Union democracy

Cottrill and Wimmer contend for NOLC top office

Executive secretary-treasurer, a full-time staff position, has been vacant since Thomas Mosher left in November.

New leader sworn in at Oregon AFL-CIO

Aida Aranda was unopposed for secretary-treasurer at the Dec. 8 meeting of the union federation’s Executive Board.

A new ambassador for labor in Southwest Washington

Shaun Gundert, a high school science teacher and member of Evergreen Education Association, was elected as SWWACLC president.

Northwest Oregon Labor Council needs top officer

The executive secretary-treasurer leads a local council of the AFL-CIO with 76 local union affiliates totaling 53,000 union members.

SW Washington Labor Council needs president

It's the top position at an organization that represents the interests of 17,000 members of 51 affiliated local unions.

Painters Local 10 calls for freedom for Mumia

Mumia Abu-Jamal, a former member of the Black Panther Party, was a radio journalist who had exposed police abuses in Philadelphia.

Thomas Mosher exits Labor Council for job in PA

In August, he got an offer he couldn’t turn down: return to his former home of Philadelphia to work for the Pennsylvania Democratic Party.

New business manager at Roofers Local 49

On Travis Hopkins' agenda: hiring a new organizer, growing the workforce, and securing work in the renewable sector. 

Myers ends WSLC campaign

Shannon Myers' decision leaves Cherika Carter unopposed for the number two office at the Washington State Labor Council.

SAG-AFTRA officer moves on

Union actor Harold Phillips is wrapping up a run as a Portland-area labor activist after close to three decades in the city.

At Local 701, a vote of confidence from members

Operating Engineers Local 701 business manager Jim Anderson ran unopposed for re-election this year, the second time in a row.

New OSEA president

Sarah Wofford is the new top officer at the Oregon School Employees Association, replacing former president Lisa Gourley.

Christy O’Neill leaves Oregon AFL-CIO

AFSCME Local 2619 member Christy O’Neill resigned as secretary-treasurer of the Oregon AFL-CIO at the Sept. 7 meeting of its executive board. 

New officers at IBEW Local 48

Dave Jacobsen has been elected president of IBEW Local 48 and Garth Bachman was reelected as business manager.

New leadership at Elevator Constructors Local 23

Robert Larzalere, a second-generation member of the union, was sworn in as the new business manager April 14.

Professors union affiliates with AFT, AFL-CIO

Delegates to the American Association of University Professors’ biennial meeting voted to affiliate with the American Federation of Teachers.

New top officer at Northwest Oregon Labor Council

Thomas Mosher succeeds Bob Tackett, who retired, as executive secretary-treasurer of the Northwest Oregon Labor Council.

New president at Oregon AFSCME

The Oregon AFSCME Executive Board has named one of its members, Fred Yungbluth, Jr. as president until the union’s April 2023 convention.

To Zoom or not to Zoom: Labor navigates a return to in-person meetings

Some local labor organizations see an argument for hybrid meetings, which incorporate in-person and virtual attendance options.

Challenger outpolls incumbent at OFNHP

Jonathon Baker has taken office as president of Oregon Federation of Nurses and Health Professionals (OFNHP).