Northwest Labor Press is an independent union-supported newspaper founded in 1900. Our print version is mailed twice a month to about 45,000 members of over three dozen local unions in Oregon and Southwest Washington. Our online version has been maintained here since 1997.
Union democracy
Farrell Richartz appointed business manager at LiUNA Local 483
He will serve out the remainder of former business manager Erica Askin’s term.
City union breakup: Laborers Local 483 leaves the District Council of Trade Unions
Going forward, Local 483 will bargain its own contract with the City of Portland.
Re-run election confirms Shirley Block and Jon Hunt as leaders of ATU Local 757
Block got 55 percent of the vote, and Hunt got 52 percent.
UFCW’s Jeff Anderson elected president of Northwest Oregon Labor Council
In a roll-call vote, Anderson outpolled Jeff Klatke, president of Oregon AFSCME.
New business manager at Insulators Local 36
Caudle succeeds Stan Danielson, who retired after 30 years at the helm.
Ritchey retires as business manager of Laborers Local 335
Local 335 president Shannon Stull will serve the remainder of Ritchey’s term – through May 2017.
Elevator Constructors elect new officers
Local 23 represents workers who install, maintain and repair elevators and escalators
Challenges ahead at AFSCME Local 88
Local 88 will have to contend with the Friedrichs case, the Cadillac tax, and a new Commission.
Tackett, Petroff re-elected to top posts at Northwest Oregon Labor Council
All candidates ran unopposed and will serve four-year terms.
Oregon AFL-CIO resolves to ‘Fight for a Change’
Black Lives Matter, votes have consequences, and corporate taxes and the minimum wage must rise
The convention is a chance to honor individuals and organizations who gave bigtime to the cause.
Delegates resolve to back minimum wage and corporate tax measures, and not to endorse FastTrackers
It was Oregon governor Kate Brown who swore in newly elected AFL-CIO leaders.
Biennial Oregon AFL-CIO convention will draw hundreds of unionists to Seaside
Members of Congress who voted in favor of Fast Track aren’t invited this year.
Oregon Building Trades Council celebrates 75th anniversary
The Oregon State Building and Construction Trades Council celebrated its 75th anniversary with a gala banquet Aug. 21 at the Oregon Convention Center in...
Introducing Laborers Local 737
Laborers Locals 296, 320, and 121 merge to make Local 737
New business manager at Sheet Metal Local 16: Charlie Johnson
Charlie Johnson succeeds John Candioto, who resigned
Oregon’s Central Labor Councils convert to chapters of state AFL-CIO
The restructuring comes with new staff support for local labor activity.
New leadership at Ironworkers Local 29
Longtime business manager Kevin Jensen retired and is succeeded by Joe Bowers
Plumbers and Fitters Local 290 re-elects Al Shropshire
Local 290 represents 4,100 workers in construction, industrial, and shipyards.