Union democracy

New leadership at Painters Local 10

Local 10’s new president, Mark Fleming, is a 38-year member of IUPAT who has worked for Thompson Metal Fab since 1998.

Northwest Oregon Labor Council elects new officers by acclamation

UNION MADE: Scott Zadow, Northwest Oregon Labor Council's newly elected president, grew up part of a firmly union family and followed his father and uncle into IBEW Local 48. His wife, Brandy Lalland, is a teacher and member of the teachers’ union at David Douglas School District. From left are their daughters Abigail Cram and twins Addison and Sophia Zadow.

Boilermakers Local 242 elect new business manager

Local 242 represents workers in Oregon, Eastern Washington and Idaho who build and maintain boilers, tanks, and pressure vessels.

UFCW 555 leaves Northwest Oregon Labor Council

The withdrawal means three Local 555 delegates who held NOLC office can no longer serve those roles, including NOLC president Jeff Anderson.

IAFF Local 1805 merges into 452

1805 represented Clark County Fire District 6 and paramedics at North Country Emergency Medical Service, and 452 represents Vancouver Fire.

Insulators Local 36 holds officer election by mail ballot

Ron Mathis was re-elected treasurer and Joel Hendrickson was elected recording secretary, succeeding his wife, Jessica.

Leadership transition at Machinists W24

Following the retirement of Noel Willet, Wayne Thompson now directs International Association of Machinists District Lodge W24.

Myers re-elected to represent Building Trades

Construction is booming. The challenge is to capture the billions still in the pipeline for union contractors and the members they employ.

Lou Christian re-elected as business manager of UA Local 290

Work is booming in Plumbers and Pipefitters Local 290, drawing over 700 travelers from other locals to meet demand.

City of Portland union coalition has new leadership

DCTU—a coalition of six unions—negotiates a collective bargaining agreement that covers about 1,100 City of Portland employees in all.

Bakers Local 114 members reelect officers to new term

Local 114 represents 1,160 workers at wholesale bakeries and at Kroger, Safeway and Albertson’s who decorate cakes or bake from scratch.

Columbia Pacific Building Trades Council elects officers

The council coordinates project labor agreements and political activity for two dozen building trades unions totaling over 20,000 members.

Union coalitions at shipyards, Portland, PPS under new leadership

Local 290 rep Pat Christensen's retirement left vacant leadership spots at the Metal Trades and union councils at PPS and City of Portland.

Three more years for Clay and Anderson

UFCW Local 555 has seen fast growth and contract and legislative breakthroughs, but fights lie ahead.

Sheet Metal union restructures

The new SMART Northwest Regional Council covers 9,500 members in five locals in seven states.

Richartz reelected to lead Laborers Local 483

Local 483 represents over 1,000 workers who maintain roads, sewers and parks and staff rec facilities for Portland, Metro, Silverton, Mt. Angel, and PDX.

Introducing IUPAT Local 101

Drywall finishers in Oregon and Southwest Washington now have their own union local.

Travis Eri unopposed for a sixth three-year term at IBEW 125

Local 125 represents electric utility workers, power line clearance tree trimmers, and workers who construct and maintain transmission lines and substations in Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, and Nevada.

OFNHP elects new set of leaders

Kaiser RN Jodi Barschow was elected to lead OFNHP at the head of a reform slate. Incumbent Adrienne Enghouse placed third.