Union democracy

Oregon AFSCME recommits to message of solidarity

At Oregon AFSCME's convention, delegates approved a new media fund and a strengthened political fund.

Elevator Constructors Local 23 elects new business rep

Mike Bodendorfer defeated three others to succeed Frank Regalado as business representative.

AFSCME 189 elects Hussey president

Debbie Hussey, a union steward at Portland’s 911 call center, outpolled fellow state board member Carol Justice.

Carpenters dissolve 15 locals, charter four new locals

UBC created four new super-locals of general carpenters, millwrights, pile drivers, and drywall carpenters.

Iron Workers 29 re-elects Jensen, Pauley

Kevin Jensen was sworn in Jan. 6 to a third term.

Portlander Veda Shook rises to top job in flight attendants union

At 43, she’s one of America’s youngest national union leaders.

Machinists, Woodworkers district lodges consolidate

A new group, 6,000-member International Association of Machinists District W24, is born of merger.

Washington State Labor Council leaders pass the baton

Rick Bender and Al Link pass the mantle to Jeff Johnson and Lynne Dodson.

Machinists, Woodworkers district lodges consolidate

Jan. 1, a new union is born: 6,000-member Machinists District W24.

Mohlis, Riggs sworn in as Building Trades officers

John Mohlis was sworn in as executive secretary of the Oregon State Building and Construction Trade Council, and Paul Riggs of IBEW Local 48 was elected to finish out Mohlis' executive secretary term at the Columbia-Pacific Building and Construction Trades Council, which expires December 2011.

ATU convention picks Hanley over Oregonian Ron Heintzman

At a Sept. 27-30 convention in Orlando, delegates chose Larry Hanley over Ron Heintzman as international president of Amalgamated Transit Union. Heintzman, former president of Portland-based ATU Local 757, had been international president since July 1, and was backed by former president Warren George as a successor.

Oregon AFL-CIO youth group gets official start

Close to 40 active members from at least 13 union locals met Aug. 28 in Portland, and not one of them was over 40 years of age.

Paul Riggs to take the helm at Columbia Pacific Building Trades

At a special business managers' meeting, IBEW member Paul Riggs was elected executive secretary-treasurer of the Columbia Pacific Building and Construction Trades Council.

Mohlis to succeed Shiprack at Oregon Building Trades Council

John Mohlis, executive secretary-treasurer of the Columbia Pacific Building and Construction Trades Council, was elected by acclamation to succeed Bob Shiprack as executive secretary of the Oregon State Building Trades Council. Shiprack is retiring after 25 years at the helm.