
Roofers Local 49

Roofers compete

An apprentice member of Roofers Local 49 is advancing to the national championship.

Kevin Landreth, union organizer

Everywhere he goes, Kevin Landreth scans for signs of roofers at work. If they’re non-union, he wants to have a word with them. 

Roofers Local 49 apprentice declared # 1 in national competition

Dylan Butler went to the union's national event in St. Louis after winning the West Coast apprentice competition.

Roofer to professor, and back again

Local 49’s new organizer Matt Lambert is ready to scream the union gospel from the rooftops.

New business manager at Roofers Local 49

On Travis Hopkins' agenda: hiring a new organizer, growing the workforce, and securing work in the renewable sector. 

Russ Garnett re-elected at Roofers Local 49

Garnett, 56, has served as business agent since 2011, during what has been a boom time in the local construction industry.

Wages rise $4.96 an hour in new Roofers contract

Journeyman roofers in Local 49 will earn a $37.73 wage as of July 1, plus $19.23 in fringe benefits like health and pension.

Roofers Local 49 re-elects Russ Garnett to third term

Garnett ran unopposed for a third term as business manager.

Building Trades’ conservation project helps Boy Scouts

Volunteers from Roofers Local 49 and Laborers Local 737 teamed with the Union Sportsmen’s Alliance to construct a shooting sports complex.

Shame on Fortis? Or should it be ‘Shame on Facebook?’

Building trades union leaders are irked that some of the work on the Facebook data center in Prineville is going to nonunion subcontractors that pay below area-standard wages and use workers from out of state.

West Coast roofers compete

Female apprentice Suzanne Young of Local 49 took first place in 7th annual West Coast Roofers Apprenticeship Competition.

Women in the Trades

Nationally, women have never accounted for more than 3 percent of building trades workers. We asked three women building trades workers to share their stories.

Having a Blast

Union clay shoot raises funds for charities

New apprenticeship coordinator at Roofers Local 49

Joel Gonzalez succeeds Clint Mapes as apprenticeship director at the Roofers Training Center.

Roofers come to aid of disabled war veteran

The soldier in Afghanistan jumping from a helicopter that was under mortar attack.

Sick leave mandate causes concern among building trades unions

Union leaders say it could get tricky in a high-wage, short-term industry like construction

Construction workers building ‘the cloud’ in Central Oregon

Oregon east of the Cascades is becoming one of the world’s prime locations for data centers.

Garnett tapped to top post at Roofers Local 49

He succeeds Michael Thompson, who stepped down mid-term.