Remember Andy Puzder, President Trump’s first nominee for U.S. Secretary of Labor?

Puzder was CEO of the company that owns the Hardee’s and Carl’s Jr. fast food chains, and a big critic of raising the minimum wage. He withdrew from consideration to be America’s top labor law enforcer after it came out that he’d employed an undocumented immigrant housekeeper, and had been accused by his ex-wife of domestic abuse. Then he lost his job as CEO.
But he’s been keeping busy with media appearances on MSNBC and Fox. And in September, he’ll be the featured speaker at an annual dinner to raise funds for the Freedom Foundation, a group whose sworn mission is to undermine organized labor and talk workers into dropping union membership.
Union foes will pay $115 to hear him speak Sept. 28 at the Sheraton Portland Airport Hotel, or $150 for a VIP reception and photo.