Union democracy

National AFL-CIO leader takes job at Greenpeace

Tefere Gebre, executive vice president of the national AFL-CIO, says the climate crisis is the "fight of our lifetime.” 

Oregon AFL-CIO holds convention this weekend at Portland Hyatt

Delegates will see debates between candidates for governor and labor commissioner, and will honor outstanding union members and lawmakers.

New leadership at Portland Firefighters

Hazmat specialist Isaac McLennan won election after incumbent Alan Ferschweiler left to work for the Oregon State Fire Fighters Council.

New number two officer elected at Bakers Local 364

14-year Nabisco employee Mike Burlingham, a longtime union steward at Nabisco, outpolled longtime incumbent Victor Weekes.

Metal Trades Council selects leadership

Delegates to the Metal Trades Council of Portland and Vicinity held a Jan. 10 election to name its top officers.

SW Washington Central Labor Council elects new set of officers

All told SWWACLC represents 17,000 members of 51 affiliated local unions in Clark, Skamania, and west Klickitat counties.

Local 701 returns to live meetings

Headquartered in Gladstone, Local 701 brings together 3,600 crane and heavy equipment operators and stationary engineers.

Merger brings Idaho and Wyoming into UFCW Local 555

UFCW Local 368A, headquartered in Boise, voted to merge into Local 555 adding 1,100 new members to Local 555, bringing its total to 24,900. 

Shakeup in Teamsters leadership

Teamsters general president Jimmy Hoffa Jr. is retiring at age 80, and his chosen successor just lost a leadership vote in a landslide.

New leadership at Machinists District Lodge W24

Directing business representative Wayne Thompson has retired, and Brandon Bryant and Will Lukens are the new top officers.

Multnomah County union has new top officer

Josyln Baker ran unopposed after incumbent Percy Winters Jr. opted not to seek a third term. AFSCME Local 88 represents 3,400 workers.

Northwest Carpenters placed in trusteeship

The council's top officer Evelyn Shapiro has resigned amid allegations of vote rigging in a Seattle contract ratification vote.

2021 Oregon building trades convention report

FOUR MORE YEARS: Oregon State Building & Construction Trades Council convention delegates re-elected Robert Camarillo as executive secretary-treasurer. Camarillo has served that role since May 2018, after working as an Ironworkers organizer.

Teamster Tully elected as Second VP at NOLC

Teamsters Local 223 president Dave Tully was elected in a contested roll call vote at the Sept. 27 delegate meeting.

Liz Shuler elected AFL-CIO president

She succeeds Rich Trumka, who died Aug. 5. Shuler, AFL-CIO secretary treasurer since 2009, is the first woman to hold the office of president.

Oregon Building Trades goes forward with Sunriver convention

It will be the first in-person union convention in Oregon since the COVID-19 pandemic hit in March 2020. Some events will be held outdoors.

Russ Garnett re-elected at Roofers Local 49

Garnett, 56, has served as business agent since 2011, during what has been a boom time in the local construction industry.

New leader takes presidency at Oregon AFSCME

Elizabeth Goetzinger, president of 430-member AFSCME Local 3580 at the Metro regional government, was elected president of Oregon AFSCME.

ATU Local 757 members elect new VP

Members re-elect Shirley Block and Mary Longoria, and replace longtime officer Jon Hunt with TriMet station agent Frederick Casey.

Lindsey re-elected to third term as IBEW Local 280 business manager 

Drew Lindsey outpolled challenger Mark Crenshaw to lead IBEW Local 280 in Central Oregon. Membership neared a record 1,800 in December.