Northwest Labor Press is an independent union-supported newspaper founded in 1900. Our print version is mailed twice a month to about 45,000 members of over three dozen local unions in Oregon and Southwest Washington. Our online version has been maintained here since 1997.
UFCW Local 555
Building our communities
House fire claims UFCW Local 555 member and injures member of Cement Masons Local 555
A fund has been set up to help the family.
To counter big-money politics, Portland City Council votes for public campaign finance
Starting in 2020, the system will match small donors so candidates can focus on regular voters, not big donors.
Oregon labor gearing up for high-stakes legislative session
Labor will push for transportation funding and family leave and fair workweek laws, while grappling with a $1.7 billion budget shortfall.
Election night yields mixed scorecard for Oregon labor
Labor held the line in most races, but several losses stung.
Portland City Council looks at public campaign finance system to magnify the voice of small donors
Backed by unions and community groups, Commissioner Amanda Fritz hopes to pass it by the end of the year.
Workers Rights
Portland City Council passes fair scheduling resolution
The non-binding resolution encourages all Portland employers to review their scheduling practices.
Collective bargaining
Grocery workers ratify new UFCW union contracts
The Oregon and Southwest Washington contracts raise wages and maintain health benefits.
Union democracy
UFCW’s Jeff Anderson elected president of Northwest Oregon Labor Council
In a roll-call vote, Anderson outpolled Jeff Klatke, president of Oregon AFSCME.
Governor Brown appoints two labor nominees to workers’ comp committee
Kevin Billman of UFCW and IBEW Local 48 staff attorney Diana Winther are nominees for MLAC.
Collective bargaining
At the ‘Big 3’ grocers, bargaining begins with UFCW
Despite a new Oregon law, sick leave may still be an object of contention in the contract talks
Collective bargaining
UFCW secures its first union contract for cannabis workers in Oregon
A landmark session, but Oregon labor wanted more
A big Democratic majority led to high expectations, but Oregon lawmakers balked at minimum wage and other labor priorities
Union Organizing
Food Front Cooperative Grocery workers vote to unionize
Workers want the stability of a union contract, pay transparency, and a grievance process
Labor History
A look back: Astoria’s radical immigrant labor past
Astoria, the U.S. oldest western settlement, was a waterfront boomtown full of radical immigrants
Labor gets ready for an action-packed session of the Oregon Legislature
With strong Democratic majorities in the state house and senate, the mood is optimistic
Union democracy
UFCW Local 555 rejoins Oregon AFL-CIO
Affiliation brings an additional 17,500 members to the state labor federation
UFCW Local 555 emerging as a political force in Oregon
Members fund sick leave campaigns and a third party strategy that doesn’t give up on rural areas
Oregon unions endorse Ballot Measure 91 to legalize marijuana
Most unions are taking no position, but UFCW and two AFSCME locals recommend a yes vote
Workers Rights
Labor steps up big-time to help pass paid Eugene sick leave
Supporters vow to hold County Commissioners accountable for attempt to thwart Eugene
Building trades lobby in support of ConnectOregon V
Building trades union members turn out to counter environmental opponents of coal and oil projects