
Plasterers Local 82

Don McKinnon, 1944-2023

Former Plasterers Local 82 business manager Don McKinnon died Dec. 15 at the age of 79. McKinnon was business manager from 1984 to 2022.

Plasterers Local 82 signs new master agreement

In year one, journeymen will make $42.86 an hour plus $19.38 in benefits for a total compensation package of $62.24 an hour.

Union Craftsmanship

Harver Company earned triple honors for the work done by members of Plasterers Local 82 on the Oregon Supreme Court building.

Celebrating across the Generations

Cement Masons Local 555 and Plasterers Local 82 on Dec. 10 gathered to recognize newly graduated apprentices and longtime members.

Teamsters Central States pension gets federal rescue

The Central States pension, which covers 357,056 workers and surviving spouses, will receive $35.8 billion in “special financial assistance."

White House fixes union pension rescue program

Local plasterers and members of OPEIU Local 11 have reason to rejoice after final rules for the Pension Benefit Guaranty Fund were announced.

Local 82: Bringing beauty to the halls of justice

In a major renovation of the Oregon Supreme Court, union plasterers are retaining the building’s historic character.

U.S. government launches pension rescue 

In the Portland area, Plasterers Local 82 and OPEIU Local 11 could undo pension benefit cuts almost immediately.

How the COVID relief bill saves union pensions

The just-passed COVID relief bill will rescue and restore over 100 declining union pension plans.

Plasterers uncover wage theft at luxury apartments in Eugene

When building trades unions police abuses in the construction industry, they're defending all workers, not only their members.

Plasterers Local 82 showcase their work for visiting architects

Apprentices demonstrated historical restoration, venetian plastering, stuccoing, and more.

On the Job with Plasterers Local 82

You might think plasterers would mostly be working in plaster, but today, fireproofing makes up half of Plasterers Local 82’s work.

To restore their pension, Plasterers reduce benefits

The 2008 financial crisis is still claiming new victims.

The next generation of Cement Masons

Cement Masons Local 555 and Plasterers Local 82 drew a record crowd of 243 to their annual holiday dinner.

Kent Sickles succeeds Cal McKinnis as business manager of Plasterers Local 82

McKinnis, who served in the post for 15 years, did not seek re-election.

Robert Stanfill, 1923 – 2015

The Plasterers leader and WWII vet led the state building trades for 16 years