Northwest Labor Press is an independent union-supported newspaper founded in 1900. Our print version is mailed twice a month to about 45,000 members of over three dozen local unions in Oregon and Southwest Washington. Our online version has been maintained here since 1997.
Oregon State Building and Construction Trades Council
Telling labor’s story to lawmakers
For a day, there were more union construction workers than legislators in the State Capitol building.
Union democracy
Oregon Building Trades: Ready to take it to next level
Delegates elected new officers, set policy, and raised funds for political work
UO’s new $1 billion Knight Science Campus will be built under a PLA
Oregon State Building Trades signed a project labor agreement with UO and Hoffman Construction on the project, which will be built in four phases over 10 years and employ up to 1,300 construction workers.
Clark County
Inslee rejects Vancouver oil terminal
The proposed union-built facility would have been the largest oil terminal in North America.
Merkley comes out against Jordan Cove natural gas export terminal
National Building Trades call the change in a position a betrayal.
Union democracy
Building Trades back Governor Kate Brown for re-election
Building Trades union delegates also heard from Republicans Dennis Richardson and Greg Walden.
Union democracy
Operating Engineers Local 701 returns to Oregon Building Trades
At the building trades’ convention, Operating Engineers were welcomed back to a round of applause.
At the Oregon Legislature: Labor’s agenda inches forward
Will the Oregon Legislature ban anti-union ‘right-to-work’ ordinances?
Oregon labor gearing up for high-stakes legislative session
Labor will push for transportation funding and family leave and fair workweek laws, while grappling with a $1.7 billion budget shortfall.
Oregon Building Trades Council announces endorsements for November election
Constructions unions back Ballot Measure 98 to fund career and technical education in high schools.
Jordan Cove boss says LNG project needs assist from Oregon’s Congressional delegation
Only U.S. Rep. Kurt Schrader has publicly supported the project.
‘You saved my town’ — GOP state rep says Building Trades worked with him to save Prineville
Mike McLain credits building trades unions for a tax law change that led to data center construction in the high plains.
Union democracy
Resolved: Oregon Building Trades delegates set policy
The trades will back an LNG export terminal, and greater funding for transportation infrastructure and career and technical education.
Union democracy
Frew takes helm of Oregon Building Trades Council
The IBEW leader has job shadowed retiring John Mohlis since February.
Wyden: Democrats ‘feeling very, very good’ about fall elections
At the state building trades convention, Oregon's senior U.S. Senator talked Trump, trade, and the trouble with union pensions
Mohlis retires from Building Trades Council; Frew tapped as successor
An Aug. 23 retiree party drew nearly 250 well-wishers from across the political spectrum.
FERC denies application for Jordan Cove LNG facility
The project – to be built under a project labor agreement – was backed by the Building Trades.
Union democracy
Oregon Building Trades Council celebrates 75th anniversary
The Oregon State Building and Construction Trades Council celebrated its 75th anniversary with a gala banquet Aug. 21 at the Oregon Convention Center in...
A landmark session, but Oregon labor wanted more
A big Democratic majority led to high expectations, but Oregon lawmakers balked at minimum wage and other labor priorities
Union pension fund to invest $26 million at Westmoreland Union Manor
Rehabbing the affordable building for Portland seniors will create 290 union construction jobs.