Northwest Labor Press is an independent union-supported newspaper founded in 1900. Our print version is mailed twice a month to about 45,000 members of over three dozen local unions in Oregon and Southwest Washington. Our online version has been maintained here since 1997.
Oregon AFL-CIO
In Memoriam
George M. Miller, 1935-2020
Miller led Machinists District Council 24 and Northwest Oregon Labor Council, and was a member of the Port of Portland Commission.
Building our communities
Wildfire crisis response
Oregon labor organizations have been working to connect members to resources.
Labor confronts police brutality
Union members are taking part in protests, joining morning-after cleanup parties, and even walking off the job in support of Black Lives Matter.
Workers Rights
Oregon AFL-CIO ramps up pressure on Rep. Kurt Schrader to get behind labor law reform
The Protecting the Right to Organize Act would protect the right to strike, prevent misclassification of workers, increase penalties for retaliation, and more, but Democrat Schrader isn't on board.
Oregon Democrats meet with public workers whose retirement contributions they voted to cut
Republicans wanted deeper cuts, Oregon’s House Speaker Tina Kotek and fellow Portland House Democrat Rob Nosse told public sector union members.
We need labor law reform
While every other member of the Democrat in Oregon’s Congressional delegation has signed onto the PRO Act as a co-sponsor, Congressman Kurt Schrader said he won't vote for the bill.
Workers Rights
Portland Uber driver advisory board holds its first meeting
A newly formed nine-member committee will come up with suggestions for new regulations that Portland City Council could pass in order to improve conditions for drivers and the riding public.
Barbara Byrd wraps up 41-year career in labor movement
After 41 years as a labor educator and 14 years at the Oregon AFL-CIO, Barbara Byrd is retiring for real.
Union democracy
2019 Oregon AFL-CIO Convention Report
Delegates learned new words, like “cisgender,” charted a new political course, and passed the torch of leadership to a new generation.
New leadership at the Oregon AFL-CIO
Graham Trainor, 38, and Christy O’Neill, 32, won the unanimous support of delegates at the Oregon AFL-CIO's biennial convention.
Initiative to limit self-checkout grocery stations moves forward
Oregon AFL-CIO says self-checkout eliminates jobs and inconveniences customers.
Tapped for the job at a time of crisis, Tom Chamberlain helped reunify Oregon’s labor movement.
Union democracy
Coming up: Oregon AFL-CIO biennial convention
Several hundred delegates and guests will hear from national and state union leaders, elect a new president and secretary-treasurer, and vote on dozens of policy resolutions.
Thank you for a great 14 years!
The only means to counter a corporate capitalist agenda is a strong union movement, says Oregon AFL-CIO president Tom Chamberlain in his final Labor Press column.
Backers of Major League Baseball sign ‘harmony agreement’ with labor
Once a baseball team is secured, a stadium built, and workers hired, unions in the harmony agreement will have access to workers within their jurisdictions, and can organize them via card-check.
Workers Rights
Protest: Fred Meyer underpays women employees
A July 24 Oregon AFL-CIO rally at Fred Meyer called on the public to shop somewhere else.
How working people and unions fared in the 2019 session of the Oregon Legislature
Lawmakers passed paid family leave and boosted school budgets, but also cut public worker compensation and punted on climate.
We must not forget Oregon Democrats’ betrayal on PERS
Organized labor should hold accountable those who side with a corporate capitalist agenda at the expense of workers.
Oregon lawmakers vote to cut public employee retirement contributions
Democrats led the charge to divert up to 2.5 percent of public worker pay to shore up PERS.
Union democracy
Trainor launches campaign to lead Oregon AFL-CIO
The state federation’s current leader, Tom Chamberlain, isn’t seeking re-election.