
Northwest Oregon Labor Council

Back for August recess, U.S. Senator Ron Wyden hears from labor

Oregon's senior senator has a pro-labor voting record, but favors NAFTA-style trade deals

Labor Day picnic blood drive called off due to labor dispute

American Red Cross is pushing to lower wages for members of Oregon Nurses Association

Portland union leaders share concerns with mayor about City contract, union-busting

The mayor discussed City contract talks, and his opposition to the police commanding officers union

TriMet pulls plug on ATU’s annual picnic

ATU Local 757 may join other union picnicking at Oaks Park on Labor Day.

Union-backed candidates, measures do well in May primary

Six graduates of the Oregon Labor Candidates School won election in May

Portland-area labor endorsements for May 21 election

Portland fluoridation fails to get 2/3 at NOLC, but labor endorses Metro levy, school board races

Sequester Out!

At a ‘sit-in’ with U.S. lawmakers Bonamici and Schrader, unionists talk about sequestration cuts

Unions to remember fallen workers

Oregon workers who died on the job last year will be remembered at ceremonies in Portland and Salem

Labor’s ‘Presents from Partners’ brightens the holidays for hundreds of children, families

The annual holiday party for children of out-of-work union members was Dec. 15.

AFSCME, labor council back water district recall

Clackamas River Water District has become so dysfunctional,workers say board must go.

Developers agree proposed Wood Village casino will be built union

Voters would first have to approve allowing a private casino just east of Portland.

NW Oregon Labor Council endorses Lehan for Clackamas County chair

She’s up against Tea Party candidate John Ludlow to head Oregon's third-largest county.

AFL-CIO pushes tax break to “bring jobs home”

The Bring Jobs Home Act would also end tax deductibility for offshoring expenses.

A union guide to the Portland mayor’s race

Each of the three leading candidates has some labor support.

Wyden tells labor he opposes Medicare “vouchers”

But Wyden favors "premium support" for those wanting private insurance instead of Medicare.

Unions to remember fallen workers

Oregon workers who died on the job last year will be remembered at ceremonies in Portland and Salem.

Labor council will sit out primary races for Portland mayor and City Council #1

Labor support was divided among frontrunners Eileen Brady, Charlie Hales, and Jefferson Smith.

Labor’s ‘Presents from Partners’ brightens holidays for hundreds

“Presents from Partners” is an annual holiday party for children of out-of-work union members.

Tackett, Petroff re-elected to Northwest Oregon Labor Council

Officers will be sworn in at the Jan. 23 delegates meeting.

OrAFL-CIO, NOLC relocate to old Machinists hall

Local Machinist HQ is now in Gladstone, and its old office is being rehabbed as a multi-union hive.