
Machinists Lodge 63

After 54 Days, Boeing strike is over

Boeing Machinists in Oregon and Washington returned to work Nov. 6 with historic contract gains, including raises totaling 43.65%.

Boeing workers say no to 35% raises

They’ve waited years to send a message: After lives spent building planes, they deserve a secure retirement.

Boeing strike continues 

Roughly 33,000 Machinists union members are nearing the fourth week of a historic strike at Boeing, with no obvious end in sight.

Machinists strike begins at Boeing

Boeing workers had a pension before 2016. They want it back.

Boeing workers vote to authorize a strike

The union contract with Boeing expires Sept. 12, at which point an estimated 34,000 workers could strike if they reject a final company offer.

Boeing back in bargaining – first time in 16 years

In the past Boeing schemed to squeeze concessions out of workers and taxpayers. This year union leaders are looking for a reboot.

Five decades a Machinist

Bob Petroff left Machinists District Lodge W24 headquarters this month, the close of 49 years of involvement with the union.

Oregon Tradeswomen reaches agreement

Overcoming a rocky start, Oregon Tradeswomen reached agreement with Machinists Local Lodge 63 on a first union contract.

Harleys. Poker. Must be Machinists lodge 63.

Machinists Lodge 63’s annual motorcycle poker run, known as the Chuck Drake Memorial Guide Dog Dash, raises money for Guide Dogs of America.

Carl Gibson does it again

Machinists Lodge 63 member Carl Gibson will be representing Boeing at a national truck driving competition Aug. 16-19 in Columbus, Ohio.

Washington’s best straight truck driver? A Boeing machinist

Carl Gibson will compete in the 'straight truck' category at the National Truck Driving Championships Aug. 16-19 in Indianapolis.

Portland Nabisco maintenance workers get raises

Machinists, electricians and operating engineers at the Mondelez-Nabisco bakery in Portland have new contract agreements.

New leadership at Machinists District Lodge W24

Directing business representative Wayne Thompson has retired, and Brandon Bryant and Will Lukens are the new top officers.

Machinists win second grievance at Mondelēz  

Mondelēz agreed to pay $1,040 each to 34 Machinists Lodge 63 members for having subcontracted demolition work on a production line.

Brian Severns, 1949-2020

A shipyard worker, he served the Machinists as assistant directing business representative and led the Portland Metal Trades Council.

Mondelēz pays $33,493 to settle grievance over outsourcing Machinists work

The settlement ends a two-year battle over subcontracting work on a Portland bakery production line that makes Ritz crackers.

Machinists mourn loss of Dick Schneider

Dick Schneider, a 51-year member of Machinists Local 63 and a former representative of the Machinists' international, died March 17 of cardiac arrest.

Machinists and electricians get raises of up to $10,000 at Nabisco

Bargaining dragged on and on. Then workers got ready to strike.

Young Machinists bring holiday cheer to foster teens in east Multnomah County

The union volunteer group coordinates with caseworkers at the Gresham Branch of the Oregon Department of Human Services.

Operating Engineers pickets question Boeing’s Integrity

When Local 701 pickets went up against a non-union equipment operator, members of Iron Workers Local 29 and other unions walked out, teaching apprentices the meaning of solidarity.