
IBEW Local 48

Business owners call the union: We want in

Hamer Electric determined there were undeniable advantages to signing up with IBEW Local 48.

The only union shop around: Tube Art Group sign installers join IBEW 48

Workers at Tube Art Group ratified their first contract last month. It's the first unionized sign installation company since the 1980s.

Challenger outpolls incumbent in IBEW Local 48 officer elections

Garth Bachman was elected business manager of International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) Local 48, outpolling two-term incumbent Gary Young by 11 votes.

Union Spirit at the Portland Rose Festival

A contingent of 60 union women dressed as Rosie the Riveter was one of three union entries in this year's Rose Festival parades.

Lee Duncan, 1954-2019

A Navy veteran and former business IBEW Local 48 business rep, Duncan founded a motorcycle poker run that raised $465,000 for a children's hospital.

Former IBEW business manager Ed Barnes honored as “First Citizen” of Clark County, Washington

Barnes is the first union official to receive the Community Foundation's exemplary citizenship award.

Honored for safety by Oregon’s governor

IBEW safety expert Barry Moreland and union-signatory Snyder Roofing got some of the top honors at this year’s Oregon Governor’s Occupational Safety and Health Conference.

Presents From Partners’ Toy Challenge: The results are in!

IBEW Local 48 led the pack among unions donating to the this year's toy drive.

IBEW’s Ed Barnes named First Citizen of Clark County, Washington

The award is presented annually to a Clark County resident who has modeled exemplary citizenship.


IBEW Local 48 electricians keep with 31-year tradition by helping light up The Grotto light festival.

Portland hosts (and wins) IBEW Western States Electrical contest

IBEW Local 48 apprentice Ethan Rinier took first place in the 2018 Western States Electrical Contest for newly graduated journey-level electricians.

Union-backed coalition pushes bold vision for Broadway corridor project

Redevelopment of the 32-acre downtown site will set the tone for what kind of city Portland will be.

Vigor shipyard workers vote to authorize strike

Tired of being disrespected, shipyard workers are demanding a family-friendly work week.

IBEW’S DONNA HAMMOND: A lifetime of beating back barriers of race and gender

A dose of sass — and a sense of when to pick her battles — helped overcome many obstacles in an overwhelmingly white male construction workplace.

Metal trades council elects new officers

Jason Joeckel of Laborers Local 737 is the new secretary-treasurer of the Metal Trades Council, which represents workers at the Portland Shipyards.

Federal rules have delayed coal export project 5 years, IBEW Local 48 rep tells Congress

Millennium Bulk Terminals wants to turn a mothballed aluminum smelter into the West Coast’s largest coal export terminal. 

Union electricians light up the Grotto festival of lights

For members of IBEW Local 48, setting up power for The Grotto’s Christmas Festival of Lights is a 30-year holiday tradition.

‘Unions for Kids’ poker tournament raises cash for Doernbecher, LCSA

The 6th annual Poker Tournament raised $10,000.

Norman Malbin, 1949-2017

As longtime attorney at IBEW Local 48, he used his knowledge of the law to help union members and working people.

Labor’s future in the age of Trump

Working people must learn from history if they want to rebuild the labor movement and take the country back.