Members of International Union of Elevator Constructors Local 23 gathered July 29 with their families at Oxbow Regional Park. About 200 people attended.
The event started with children racing across a field above the Sandy River to find a hidden egg; the amazed boy who found it opened it up to count one, two, three, four, five $20 bills — $100!
The picnic also featured a car show, a face painting station, and two kegs of Hydro Hops Pale Ale, custom brewed for Local 23 by Portland craft brewery Level Brewing. Members got to take home cans of the beer. The cans sport a label that incorporates the union’s logo, designed by Local 23 member Gunnar Salazar. Food relied on local talent too: Smoked pulled pork, chicken, potato and macaroni salad were prepared by Business Manager Rob Larzalere and his dad.
And a 50-50 raffle and collection raised $500 for Lift for a Vet. Sponsored by an East Coast local of the Elevator Constructors, the organization installs wheelchair lifts for veterans.
And a highlight of the picnic was a lively “mechanics vs apprentices” kickball match with special house rules: Players had to run the bases while holding their beer, and not spill it all.