By Don McIntosh
Two locally-owned union print shops joined forces last month with the purchase of NuWay Printing and Envelope by Morel Ink. After bringing several workers over from NuWay’s now-vacant 306 SE 8th Ave. shop, Morel now employs 25 members of Teamsters Local 747-M. They work in Morel’s printing, binding, and mailing facility at 4824 NE 42nd Avenue, the site of a former bowling alley. Under the union contract they make hourly wages of $15 to $33 depending on job classification and seniority, and have employer-paid health insurance, pension and 401(k) benefits, and paid vacation and sick days.
“We’re union by choice,” Morel co-owner Scott Ballo told the Labor Press. Union-endorsed political campaigns make up a sizable chunk of Morel and NuWay clients, so the union label is a big deal. Ballo says Morel does steady business year-round, and then goes crazy in political season, a five-week sprint in which workers voluntarily work up to 84 hours a week — and rake in copious paid overtime.
The acquisition of NuWay by Morel means one fewer union “bug.” Each union print shop has a specific union label, which you can read with the aid of a magnifying glass. Materials printed by NuWay carried a tiny “GCC/IBT 293-M.” Morel materials say “Allied Printing Trades Label” next to the number 7.
Most union print shops carry either the Allied label, with the shop number directly to the right, or GCC/IBT label, with the shop number on the lower right.
- Hollywood Impress 4717 SE Division St., Portland, OR Allied – 130
Bridgetown Printing 5300 N Channel Ave, Portland, OR GCC/IBT – 926-M
- Morel Ink 4824 NE 42nd Ave., Portland, OR Allied – 7
- ABC Printers Inc. 1375 Cross St SE, Salem, OR GCC/IBT – 292-C
- ADCO Print and Graphics 355 Grand Blvd, Vancouver, WA GCC/IBT – 1375-M
- Shelton-Turnbull Printers Inc 355 Grand Blvd, Vancouver, WA GCC/IBT – 47-C
- Coprintco Business Forms 1146 15th Ave #100, Longview, WA Allied – 14