Northwest Labor Press is an independent union-supported newspaper founded in 1900. Our print version is mailed twice a month to about 45,000 members of over three dozen local unions in Oregon and Southwest Washington. Our online version has been maintained here since 1997.
Union democracy
Laborers Local 483 elects Askin business manager
Askin will continue the local's campaign against outsourcing and prison labor
Corvallis native elected president of Flight Attendants union
Sara Nelson is an 18-year flight attendant at United
Machinists re-elect Buffenbarger
Challenge slate led by Jay Cronk plans to dispute election results
Laborers Local 335 re-elects Dave Ritchey
Ritchie is in his fifth term as business manager of the Vancouver heavy highway local.
Richards elected to fourth term as head of OPEIU Local 11
Local 11 represents 2,000 office workers in five states, plus outside workers at NW Natural
Erica Askin replaces Richard “Buz” Beetle as Laborers 483 business manager
Beetle, 65, retires after decades of union activism
IAM reform slate clears second hurdle
Machinists challengers will be on national ballots in April.
SEIU Local 503 votes not to merge with SEIU Local 49
Local 503 board recommends unification but delegates balk at changes
Machinists Union challenge slate moves forward
A Portland Boeing worker is in the running for national IAM office
Northwest Oregon Labor Retirees Council disbands
Low turnout and duplication of effort end the group after 15 years.
Boeing controversy fuels challenge to top Machinist posts
After an investigation, DOL is overseeing a re-run of the election for national Machinists officers
Kevin Jensen re-elected business manager of Iron Workers 29
Jensen ran unopposed for a fourth three-year term.
A changing of the guard at National Association of Letter Carriers
Kevin Card and Jim Cook, two longtime local leaders, have left office.
Oregon AFL-CIO takes more political action for ‘14
State labor federation says vote "yes" on drivers card law
Operating Engineers rejoin Building Trades Department
Eight years after leaving, Engineers back in AFL-CIO Building Trades Department
Sheet Metal rep to head building trades council
Willy Myers succeeds Jodi Guetzloe Parker, who resigned mid-term.
Runoff for top office at Elevator Constructors 23
Business Rep Mike Bodendorfer is retiring
New leadership at AFSCME Local 88
The union of Multnomah County workers faces a political election and contract bargaining in 2014
Portland-based Boilermakers Local 500 consolidates with Local 242 in Spokane
The new local represents 550 construction boilermakers in Washington and Oregon
SEIU locals 503 and 49 discuss merger
Merged union would be 65,000-strong in government, health care and building services