Northwest Labor Press is an independent union-supported newspaper founded in 1900. Our print version is mailed twice a month to about 45,000 members of over three dozen local unions in Oregon and Southwest Washington. Our online version has been maintained here since 1997.
Oregon Congressman Kurt Schrader calls AFL-CIO president a ‘bully’
The AFL-CIO has begun campaigning against Democrats who support Fast Track.
Senate passes Fast Track
If House follows, NAFTA-style deals like TPP would proliferate.
Obama’s Trans-Pacific Partnership: Meet the ‘partners’
Vietnam, Malaysia, and Brunei are human rights violators where workers lack basic rights.
Why claims about the “unprecedented” labor protections of the TPP sound so familiar …
FAST TRACK: How Northwest Senators voted
Wyden faces re-election in 2016. CEOs will remember his role passing Fast Track. Will you?
In Portland, Obama collects cash from the 1%, and touts a trade deal written by the Fortune 500.
Wyden trying to pull a fast one on fast track
A fast track bill to pave the way for new NAFTAs passes two Congressional committee
Avakian urges Congress to nix TPP trade deal
Panel at AFL-CIO-sponsored event says fast track trade deal is a power grab by large corporations
Labor ramps up fight against free trade deal
AFL-CIO is freezing all political contributions while the fast track debate is on.
Fast track fight begins
AFL-CIO launches fight against "NAFTA on steroids"
A conversation with NAFTA critic Lori Wallach
So-called free trade agreements aren't about trade any more, nor freedom
Top national trade expert to keynote at Fair Trade Campaign’s 10-year dinner
Lori Wallach, director of Global Trade Watch, is a frequent TV guest on trade politics
U.S. starts first-ever CAFTA enforcement action against Guatemala for labor rights
The UN has documented 30 assassinations of union members in Guatemala since 2008
NAFTA-style TPP delayed, but fast track may come up
The deal covering 12 Pacific Rim nations was supposed to be signed, sealed and delivered last month
Secret Pacific Rim trade deal on track to completion
Obama's NAFTA-style treaty with 11 Pacific Rim nations is slated for signing in October
Nearly 2,000 Oregon jobs lost to trade in 2012
Oregon Fair Trade Campaign's tally: 55,000 Oregon jobs lost since NAFTA
Senator Wyden gets an earful at TPP town hall
Up to 200 turned out on a work day at a listening session about a secret Pacific Rim trade deal.
At Obama fundraiser, union millworkers protest trade policy
As NAFTA-style treaties proliferate, AWPPW has lost thousands of members to mill closures.
AFL-CIO pushes tax break to “bring jobs home”
The Bring Jobs Home Act would also end tax deductibility for offshoring expenses.
New round of trade talks keep public in dark, but not lobbyists
Members of Congress demand Obama administration transparency in Trans-Pacific Partnership