
Oregon minimum wage

Minimum wages rising in Washington and Oregon

Oregon’s minimum wage rose to $15.45 in the Portland metro area on July 1. Washington's will rise to $16.28 an hour on Jan. 1.

Portland-area minimum wage reaches $14.75

Oregon’s minimum wage gets its last big increase July 1 under a 2016 law that phased in raises over six years.

Oregon minimum wage going up

The minimum wage rises today from $12.50 to $13.25 within the Portland Metro urban growth boundary.

Oregon minimum wage will rise again on July 1

The 2019 raise will bring the minimum wage to $12.50 an hour within the Portland metropolitan area’s urban growth boundary, $11.00 an hour in the predominantly rural counties of eastern Oregon and the southern Oregon coast, and $11.25 an hour everywhere else.

Are Oregon Democrats backtracking already on the minimum wage?

Several leaders in the Oregon House and Senate say they'll consider a lower training or youth wage.

Historic gains in 2016 Legislative session

Top issue was minimum wage, but Oregon lawmakers made progress on other fronts as well.

Oregon set to have nation’s highest minimum wage

The seven annual wage hikes start with a 25 or 50 cent rise this July 1.

Oregon minimum wage raise speeding to passage

The bill would raise wages by 2022 to $14.75, $13.50, and $12.50 in different parts of the state.

Minimum wage campaign fills Oregon Capitol hearing rooms

Backers and opponents traded volley after volley at a hearing on raising Oregon’s minimum wage.

Oregon Senate President says he won’t allow vote on minimum wage increase

"I'm not going to do minimum wage," Courtney tells Southern Oregon chamber of commerce members

Will the minimum wage movement come to Oregon?

Cities are pre-empted by state law, but unions are planning to push a statewide increase in 2015