
Oregon Fair Trade Campaign

Trump does NAFTA

Despite what Trump says, NAFTA is not a failed trade agreement. Written by and for the benefit of corporate elites, it's a resounding success — for them.

A conversation with NAFTA critic Lori Wallach

So-called free trade agreements aren't about trade any more, nor freedom

Top national trade expert to keynote at Fair Trade Campaign’s 10-year dinner

Lori Wallach, director of Global Trade Watch, is a frequent TV guest on trade politics

Nearly 2,000 Oregon jobs lost to trade in 2012

Oregon Fair Trade Campaign's tally: 55,000 Oregon jobs lost since NAFTA

Senator Wyden gets an earful at TPP town hall

Up to 200 turned out on a work day at a listening session about a secret Pacific Rim trade deal.

New round of trade talks keep public in dark, but not lobbyists

Members of Congress demand Obama administration transparency in Trans-Pacific Partnership

Mr. President: Americans can’t afford job-killing trade deals

Outside President Obama's Feb. 18 visit to Intel, activists picketed to remind him of his pledge to halt NAFTA-style trade treaties.

Free trade deal with Korea will cost U.S. jobs

President Obama is asking Congress to approve the United States-Korea Free Trade Agreement — the biggest NAFTA-style trade treaty since NAFTA.