Northwest Labor Press is an independent union-supported newspaper founded in 1900. Our print version is mailed twice a month to about 45,000 members of over three dozen local unions in Oregon and Southwest Washington. Our online version has been maintained here since 1997.
Oregon Fair Trade Campaign
Trump does NAFTA
Despite what Trump says, NAFTA is not a failed trade agreement. Written by and for the benefit of corporate elites, it's a resounding success — for them.
A conversation with NAFTA critic Lori Wallach
So-called free trade agreements aren't about trade any more, nor freedom
Top national trade expert to keynote at Fair Trade Campaign’s 10-year dinner
Lori Wallach, director of Global Trade Watch, is a frequent TV guest on trade politics
Nearly 2,000 Oregon jobs lost to trade in 2012
Oregon Fair Trade Campaign's tally: 55,000 Oregon jobs lost since NAFTA
Senator Wyden gets an earful at TPP town hall
Up to 200 turned out on a work day at a listening session about a secret Pacific Rim trade deal.
New round of trade talks keep public in dark, but not lobbyists
Members of Congress demand Obama administration transparency in Trans-Pacific Partnership
Mr. President: Americans can’t afford job-killing trade deals
Outside President Obama's Feb. 18 visit to Intel, activists picketed to remind him of his pledge to halt NAFTA-style trade treaties.
Free trade deal with Korea will cost U.S. jobs
President Obama is asking Congress to approve the United States-Korea Free Trade Agreement — the biggest NAFTA-style trade treaty since NAFTA.