
Oregon AFL-CIO

Resolved, that the Oregon AFL-CIO will …

Delegates voted more policy resolutions than in previous years, and nearly all passed unanimously

Homecoming for national AFL-CIO’s Liz Shuler

The top labor leader is a native Oregonian.

Unions, allies, march for jobs on 50th anniversary of March on Washington

Rallies were held simultaneously around the country

Unions see results in 2013 legislative session

Lawmakers barred public union-busting, closed prevailing wage loophole, funded infrastructure

Allen Brennan joins AFL-CIO to help laid-off workers

He'll be kept busy by a series of layoffs this summer.

OSEA seeks union recognition for 300 Head Start workers

A multi-union effort backed by the AFL-CIO helped garner majority support

2013 shaping up to be an active legislative session for Oregon labor

Lawmakers pass a bill barring public sector union-busting.

Union Cab hits the streets

The launch culminates a years-long campaign by immigrant drivers against exploitation.

‘Wages, hours and working conditions’ not enough: Unions must speak for all workers

Immigration, same sex marriage … today's unions have moved beyond a 1980s agenda.

Sequester Out!

At a ‘sit-in’ with U.S. lawmakers Bonamici and Schrader, unionists talk about sequestration cuts

Unions to remember fallen workers

Oregon workers who died on the job last year will be remembered at ceremonies in Portland and Salem

Unanimous City Council: Portland workers will have sick leave

How a labor and community alliance improved life for over 250,000 workers

Sick leave mandate causes concern among building trades unions

Union leaders say it could get tricky in a high-wage, short-term industry like construction

Oregon Legislature moves on prevailing wage, union-busting, PERS, and tuition equity

Tuition equity, backed by Oregon AFL-CIO, moved swiftly to the governor's signature.

Oregon Nurses Association joins American Federation of Teachers

ONA says the move will enhance nurses' voice in an era of hospital consolidation and cost-cutting

For soon-released inmates, hope of a union construction career

A first-time skills class prepares 16 female inmates for high-wage construction jobs on release

Oregon AFL-CIO E-Board endorses immigration reform

A national poll shows union member support for immigration reform.

AFL-CIO touts filmed-in-Portland HBO documentary American Winter

Eight Portland families struggle, in documentary airing March 18

Five years in, still no flood of unionization through card check

Just 2,487 public employees have unionized since Oregon's card check law passed.

Labor readies agenda for the 2013 Oregon Legislature

On the agenda: Columbia River Crossing, public sector union-busting, prevailing wage, and PERS.