
Oregon AFL-CIO

At Oregon AFL-CIO, political activity kicks into high gear

Ballots will be mailed out Oct. 15 and are due back Nov. 4.

Climate change on labor’s radar

Labor wants to be in the room in talks about a carbon tax for Oregon

Top national trade expert to keynote at Fair Trade Campaign’s 10-year dinner

Lori Wallach, director of Global Trade Watch, is a frequent TV guest on trade politics

Labor joins with business to raise funds to knock out cancer

Phil Knight’s $500 million pledge spurs labor to join business for OHSU cancer research

Labor to join rally to demand action on climate change

The NYC event is expected to be the largest climate change rally ever

Will the minimum wage movement come to Oregon?

Cities are pre-empted by state law, but unions are planning to push a statewide increase in 2015

Unions join renewed push for immigration reform

AFL-CIO calls on Obama to take executive action to allow millions to work legally

Unions back effort to stop unjust discrimination against applicants with criminal records

The "ban the box" campaign wants employers and landlords to give ex-offenders a chance.

Labor gets seat on Portland’s utility reform task force

Blue-ribbon commission will come up with reforms to City water and sewer bureaus

Jerry Greer, 1943-2014

Greer was a Machinists union rep and active in the Oregon AFL-CIO.

Labor tallies a raft of wins in local primary elections

Labor stopped the Bull Run Takeover, saved two incumbents, and sent a union rep to the state house

Unions remember fallen workers

Thirty-nine workers died in job-related accidents in Oregon in 2013.

Nurses union rep Rob Nosse runs strong House campaign in inner Southeast Portland

The union movement has a chance this year to enlarge the Oregon Legislature’s informal labor caucus

Dodging a Norquist attack on unions

Union foes wanted right-to-work in Oregon. They'll be back.

Mixed bag for labor in Oregon’s short legislative session

No big gains, but no setbacks either.

Oregon AFL-CIO chooses who to back in primary

Not all who sought endorsement got it.

‘Right-to-work’ initiative dropped

Sponsors of two anti-union initiative petitions — including a so-called right-to-work measure for public employees — have agreed to withdraw their measures aimed at...

State to include apprenticeships in education goals

Apprenticeships, left out earlier, will be counted as a post-secondary credential by the state

Lloyd Knudsen, 1926-2014

The former Oregon AFL-CIO political director was a longtime member of IBEW Local 48

Oregon AFL-CIO prioritizes bills for 35-day legislative session

Labor backs crackdown on large employers cutting hours to evade Obamacare requirement.