
Musicians Local 99

Fighting for Keller jobs

Members of entertainment unions tell Portland City Council a closure for renovation could devastate arts jobs. 

Union arts employers pinched by rising rents, falling support

Oregon Symphony is paying 50% more for the Schnitzer, and arts tax funds are being diverted to smaller groups.

Ethos Music Center to vote on unionizing

Musicians Local 99 seeks to represent 34 teachers and staff at the center, a non-profit children's music school in North Portland.

Oregon Symphony raises wages in new contract

The three-year contract with Musicians Local 99 raises wages 6% in year one and 3.5% in years two and three.

Union-made gift ideas

Buying any gifts this holiday season? If you buy union, you help keep good jobs in the community, and vote with your dollars for enterprises that pay your fellow workers a living wage with benefits.

Unions are wall-to-wall at Keller Auditorium

With the recent unionization of dancers at the Oregon Ballet Theatre, their shows are now executed by an all-union workforce.

Union musicians back Inner City Blues Festival for single payer

For Norman “Boogie Cat” Sylvester, universal health care is personal.