Northwest Labor Press is an independent union-supported newspaper founded in 1900. Our print version is mailed twice a month to about 45,000 members of over three dozen local unions in Oregon and Southwest Washington. Our online version has been maintained here since 1997.
John Kitzhaber
OR AFL’s Elana Guiney leaves for governor’s office
She'll replace Duke Shepard, and her position will be filled by Russell Sanders and Graham Trainor
Oregon Building Trades Council endorses Kitzhaber for re-election
Trades cite focus on industrial jobs and efforts to revive vocational training
In Oregon’s new higher ed boards, labor gets a seat or two
Business will be amply represented on the new governing boards.
Coalition calls for scaled-down phased-in I-5 bridge over the Columbia
Three pages worth of names sign a letter calling for "phased option"
Oregon State Capitol becomes Niketown for a day
Building trades and the Oregon AFL-CIO support the tax method freeze for big companies.
Union Organizing
University of Oregon backs off its challenge to faculty union
United Academics is certified after Governor Kitzhaber weighs in.
Union democracy
Oregon AFL-CIO gears up for biennial convention
A Sept. 26-28 meeting of the state labor federation will draw some of the state's top political figures.
Labor pulling hard for Kitzhaber
In an Oregon governor's race close enough to hinge on union member turnout, organized labor is pulling hard for John Kitzhaber, while Chris Dudley lacks any union endorsement. That’s because Kitzhaber’s platform is much closer to what the union movement has been advocating in Salem. It’s also because Kitzhaber has sought union support, and Dudley has not.
Portland meeting with Trumka and Kitzhaber draws over 500
National AFL-CIO President Rich Trumka, on a Aug. 23-24 visit to Portland, rallied local union activists to stay politically active despite disappointments, and to help elect John Kitzhaber as governor of Oregon.