Northwest Labor Press is an independent union-supported newspaper founded in 1900. Our print version is mailed twice a month to about 45,000 members of over three dozen local unions in Oregon and Southwest Washington. Our online version has been maintained here since 1997.
360 Sheet Metal
Workers Rights
360 Sheet Metal must pay $118,000 more for wage theft
The contractor stiffed its workers of $200,000 on multiple Southwest Washington public construction projects.
Workers Rights
Sheet metal strike ends, employer court date nears
Sheet Metal Local 16 says the strike brought attention to the company’s anti-union conduct and led to more regulatory scrutiny on the employer.
Workers Rights
Contractors stuck with bill for subcontractor wage theft
Washington ordered a quarter million dollars in back pay and penalties for prevailing wage violations by 360 Sheet Metal.
Collective bargaining
Strike protests lawless sheet metal employer
Workers at a Vancouver sheet metal shop have been on strike since late July, bolstered by a strike fund and solidarity from union members across trades.
Workers Rights
Local 16 finds prevailing wage violations at Vancouver Fire Station
Washington Labor & Industries is investigating, but similar cases have been ongoing for years without a resolution.
Building our communities
Union holiday stockings spark angry confrontation
Sheet Metal Local 16 organizer Darrin Boyce says the company owner’s daughter was furious: The union was giving out Christmas stockings!
Workers Rights
Union campaign ramps up as 360 Sheet Metal fires supporters
Sheet Metal Local 16’s relationship with the newly unionized Vancouver firm has gone from bad to worse, with legal charges multiplying.
Collective bargaining
360 Sheet Metal management: “We do not agree with the law.”
Negotiations aren’t going well at 360 Sheet Metal in Vancouver. Union leaders say the company is going through the motions in bargaining.
Union Organizing
Nowhere to go but up: Vancouver sheet metal workers win a union
Working long hours in unsafe conditions for near minimum wage, a crew of Vancouver sheet metal workers vote to unionize.