
Search results for: trimet

TriMet talks off to rough start

TriMet wants to get rid of its bus and light rail maintenance mechanic training programs. And maybe contract out maintenance of the electric and hybrid buses it wants to buy.

Transit union cries foul as TriMet contracts out shuttle service for its own drivers

Is Oregon’s largest transit agency incapable of operating a single shuttle bus? You might think so given a recent TriMet board action.

New TriMet Lift contracts raise wages up to $3.91 an hour

Problems with bathroom breaks and rider wait times are still unresolved.

Union nemesis retires at TriMet

“I wished him well … and told him to stay away from ATU,” said union president Shirley Block.

ATU v TriMet: 5-year legal case starts over after state Supreme Court ruling

TriMet, a public transit agency, has spent a bundle to keep the public out of its meetings.

ATU Local 757 blasts TriMet’s pick for general manager

Union leaders hoped the board would hire a change agent from outside to take the transit agency in a different direction.

Workers at TriMet ratify new 3-year deal

The vote was 1,220 to 68, overwhelmingly in favor.

ATU reaches deal at TriMet

TriMet included approximately 40 union proposals in its final offer, and that proved to be enough to clinch the deal.

TriMet Lift driver fired for answering the call of nature

Portlander Teressa Stevens was fired Aug. 21 from her job as a driver for TriMet LIFT — for urinating in a parking lot.

TriMet declares impasse in contract negotiations

This is the third time in a row that bargaining between TriMet and Local 757 has reached deadlock.