Northwest Labor Press is an independent union-supported newspaper founded in 1900. Our print version is mailed twice a month to about 45,000 members of over three dozen local unions in Oregon and Southwest Washington. Our online version has been maintained here since 1997.
Local labor movement personnel changes
Heather Conroy, Alma Raya, Stacy Chamberlain, Jaime Sorenson, Joe Esmonde
Exit Interview: 5 questions for Oregon AFSCME’s Ken Allen
He retires July 31 after 21 years leading the statewide organization.
Proud to be Union — AND Transgender
Pride At Work Oregon chapter president Be Marston tells how she went from a boss-hating bartender to a passionate believer in unions.
South Florida labor leader named newest faculty member at University of Oregon LERC
Sherman Henry is the longtime leader of an AFSCME local at the nation's fourth-largest school system.
LERC instructor Helen Moss retires
Moss has been with University of Oregon Labor Education and Research Center since 1999.
Merkley labor liaison retires
Former firefighter union leader Ed Hall has been Merkley’s point person with labor for seven years.
Oregon AFSCME hires successor to executive director Ken Allen
Public sector union leader Michael Seville is currently at IFPTE Local 21 in San Francisco.
Steelworker honored for lifetime of service
Wayne Anderson once headed the Oregon Democratic Party.
Erica Askin leaves Laborers 483 for SEIU 49
An attorney by training, Askin was the female business manager at Local 483.
Chris Ferlazzo departs Portland Jobs With Justice
Ferlazzo organized innumerable marches and protests over 14 years at the group.
Iron Workers’ Robert Camarillo takes job with international
Camarillo steps down as Local 29 business agent and president of the Building Trades Council.
Bricklayer Matt Eleazer featured in episode of Brotherhood Outdoors
A fishing expedition with the Bricklayers president will air on the Sportsman Channel
Danielson ends 30 years at helm of Insulators Local 36
Danielson is the longest-serving business manager in the history of the international.
Laborers’ Ben Nelson new Oregon AFL-CIO organizer
Nelson, a dedicated union organizer, was most recently Laborers Local 737 business manager.
’Fighting Machinist’ completes Hood to Coast route … in a wheelchair
ALS doesn’t stop Sam Beekman’s quest for adventure.
New UO LERC instructor: Sarah Laslett
Laslett most recently directed the Washington State Labor Education and Research Center.
Painters and tapers training center hires Phelps as new coordinator
Phelps' experience is in training electrical workers
Longtime Local 10 member Bill Regan retires as apprentice coordinator
Regan, 62, has been the coordinator since 2002.
Portland Jobs with Justice’ new director: Diana Pei Wu
With more than two decades experience as an activist, Wu has a sizable movement résumé.
NOLC Labor Appreciation Night recognizes contributions to labor and community
A record crowd of nearly 300 donates a record $4,400 to benefit Labor ‘s Community Service Agency