

New wage and hour chief comes to Oregon from the national union movement

Hired by Oregon Labor Commissioner Val Hoyle, former top building trades lobbyist Sonia Ramirez began her new position July 8.

A life-saving school bus driver

The focus and reflexes of a member of Local 757 may have saved lives in a near-miss last month.

Machinists District Lodge W24 rep Britt Cornman retires after decades in the labor movement

In a career that spanned mines, mills, railroad carrier, oil fields, and an assembly line, his support for the union once nearly got him killed.

Former IBEW business manager Ed Barnes honored as “First Citizen” of Clark County, Washington

Barnes is the first union official to receive the Community Foundation's exemplary citizenship award.

Questions for Washington AFL-CIO’s Jeff Johnson

Washington's top union leader, retiring soon, talks candidly about the highs and lows of his 40 years in the labor movement.

IBEW’s Ed Barnes named First Citizen of Clark County, Washington

The award is presented annually to a Clark County resident who has modeled exemplary citizenship.

Terry Lansing retires after 14 years at the helm of Bakers Local 114

Lansing retired Dec. 2 after a lifetime of involvement in the labor movement.

A sister to lead the Brotherhood

The region's largest construction union, 23,000-member Pacific Northwest Regional Council of Carpenters, has a new top officer: Evelyn Shapiro. Shapiro, 40, is the first woman ever elected to head a regional council of the United Brotherhood of Carpenters in the United States.

Northwest Labor Press staff changes

Northwest Labor Press office manager Cheri Rice is retiring after 20 years; succeeding her is Jill Lukens. Both have long connections to local unionism.

The new face of Oregon’s building trades

Robert Camarillo, the new leader of Oregon’s construction unions, is a 41-year-old first generation American with the heart of an organizer.

Oregon native named to top job at AFL-CIO’s Department For Professional Employees

Jennifer Dorning is the first woman to hold the post at the coalition of 24 national unions in professional, technical, and other highly skilled occupations.

New faculty at LERC

Long-time Labor Notes leader Mark Brenner will focus on teaching, while UCLA sociologist Lina Stepick will serve labor as a researcher.

Construction trades unions say goodbye to retiring OHSU president Joe Robertson

Robertson was lauded as a ‘Building Trades champion’ for transforming the South Waterfront and Marquam Hill with union labor.

Sam Gillispie signs out

Gillispie, 69, is retiring after a 43-year career in the union movement working for AFSCME and UFCW Local 555.

IBEW’S DONNA HAMMOND: A lifetime of beating back barriers of race and gender

A dose of sass — and a sense of when to pick her battles — helped overcome many obstacles in an overwhelmingly white male construction workplace.

ATU Local 757 blasts TriMet’s pick for general manager

Union leaders hoped the board would hire a change agent from outside to take the transit agency in a different direction.

AFT staffperson killed in Christmas Day crash

Deirdre Mackey was a program coordinator and financial specialist at American Federation of Teachers-Oregon.

Oregon Bricklayer Ken Bader gets ‘Outstanding Instructor Award’

Bader is a longtime member of Portland-based Bricklayers & Allied Crafts Local 1.

SEIU Local 503 executive director to step down

Brian Rudiger will remain until a successor is appointed.

Glaziers Local 740 honors Bill Vonderohe with ‘Lifetime Achievement’ Award

The longtime recording secretary has missed only two union meetings in over 55 years.