Collective bargaining

City of Portland worker contract bargaining enters mediation

Bargaining has been moving at a snail’s pace for employees at the City of Portland are finding. Mediation began Sept. 23 between the City and the District Council of Trade Unions, a coalition of eight union locals, but it didn’t go well. Bargaining committee members believe the City may be forcing unions to strike.

IBEW Local 125 Pickets Pacific power headquarters

The company wants to shift more of its health care costs onto workers.

At the ‘Big 3’ grocers, bargaining begins with UFCW

Despite a new Oregon law, sick leave may still be an object of contention in the contract talks

IBEW Local 125 authorizes strike at Pacific Power

Local 125 members are tired of making concessions to profitable PacifiCorp.

Locked-out workers seek support in ATI struggle

ATI’s nationwide lockout of 2,200 steel workers is entering its sixth week.

Classified workers at Oregon public universities get contract

Members will get two 2.25% raises, and universities backed off takeaways.

Longview mill workers end strike without a contract

AWPPW Local 153 makes an unconditional offer to return to work at Kapstone paper mill and box plant after a nine-day strike

Union coalition reaches agreements at Clark County

Wages for 700 workers will rise 5.9 percent over three years.

AWPPW begins strike at Kapstone mill in Longview

On day four, a striker is hit by a replacement worker driving through the picket line

ATI locks out steelworkers in Albany and around the country

Final offer would slash health benefits and end pension for new hires

Workers threaten strike at Longview paper mill

Kapstone, the mill’s new owner, imposed its final offer Aug. 10.

AFSCME, state of Oregon reach tentative agreement

Cost-of-living raises total 5 percent over two years.

At Siemens, solidarity got the goods

A group of NW medical imaging techs got a first union contract with big gains.


UFCW secures its first union contract for cannabis workers in Oregon

UNITE HERE calls first contract a big victory for Portland airport food service workers

Wages will rise $1.40 an hour, and workers will get major scheduling improvements

Machinists at Bodycote battle for first contract

Camas Bodycote workers voted last June to unionize, but are still trying to get a first contract

Shipyard workers at Cascade General ratify new contract

It was the third contract vote for members of the Portland Metal Trades at Vigor shipyard

Facing Gannett, KGW unions pass a test of unity

Defying a company negotiator, the unions attend each other’s contract negotiating sessions

Unitarian union leads to fund drive

Negotiations on a first union contract have been under way since February.

Arbitrator orders Portland Parks & Rec to halt use of non-union casuals

The union win resolves a decade-long fight for better conditions at Portland Parks & Rec