Unions backing Jessica Vega Pederson for Multnomah County Chair


Delegates to the Northwest Oregon Labor Council voted to endorse Jessica Vega Pederson for Multnomah County Chair at their Feb. 28 meeting.

JVP, as she’s known informally, served two terms in the Oregon House of Representatives, and is currently serving her second four-year term on the Multnomah County Commission. She is one of five candidates for the seat, along with fellow County Commissioners Sharon Meieran and Lori Stegmann.

JVP is the only union-endorsed candidate so far, and has the backing of AFSCME Local 88, which represents County employees, plus Fire Fighters Local 43 and United Food and Commercial Workers Local 555.


  1. I like Jessica Vega Pederson (JVP) and think she is the best candidate in the race for Multnomah County Chair. I like Sharon Meieran, but I believe Jessica Vega Pederson brings the critical experience and expertise needed to keep Multnomah County on track and work with the Portland City Council get the City back on solid ground.

    It is critical for all of our local governments (METRO, Tri-Met, Multnomah County Sheriff, City of Portland & Multnomah County) and the officials elected or appointed to move forward in tandem. It requires all of these leaders to work together to solve the complex issues, extreme challenges, and historic problems we face today.

    Do not be distracted by negative ads, news articles, and campaign bickering. Listen to the Unions representing Multnomah County’s workforce, AFSCME Local 88, Firefighters, and others. They support Jessica Vega Peterson (JVP).

    Please join me and other working families by marking your Ballot for Jessica Vega Pederson, JVP!

    Please vote & turn in your ballot when it arrives! That will help to stop all the annoying GOTV calls too!
    Thank you!


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