
FAST TRACK: How Northwest Senators voted


Fast Track passed the U.S. Senate 62 to 37 on May 22. Oregon Democrat Jeff Merkley voted no, but Oregon Democrat Ron Wyden voted for it, and so did Washington Democrats Maria Cantwell and Patty Murray.

Before the fateful vote, senators also voted on a number of amendments aimed at lessening the damage to American workers.

An amendment by Rob Portman (R-Ohio) and Debbie Stabenow (D-Mich.) would have required future trade agreements to have enforceable provisions against currency manipulation by foreign partners. It failed by 48 to 51. Merkley voted yes. Wyden, Cantwell, and Murray voted no.

Instead, the Senate adopted an alternative authored by Wyden and Orrin Hatch (R-Utah)—a non-binding directive calling on the president to hold trading partners accountable for currency manipulation and to use reporting, monitoring and cooperative mechanisms. It passed 62-37. Merkley voted no. Wyden, Cantwell, Murray voted yes.

Elizabeth Warren sponsored an amendment that would negate the fast track process for any trade pact that included a so-called Investor State Dispute Settlement process, in which corporations can directly sue governments. It failed 39-60. Merkley, Cantwell and Murray voted yes. Wyden voted no.

Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio), another leader of the Democratic caucus’s “fair-trade” wing, sponsored an amendment to require prior congressional approval before other countries, like China, could be added to the group. It failed 47-52. Wyden, Cantwell, Murray voted no. Merkley voted yes.


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