On Sept. 30, Laborers Local 483 Business Manager Richard Beetle received a threatening letter from City of Portland Human Resources director Anna Kanwit.
It had come to Kanwit’s attention that on two separate occasions, Local 483 Union Representative Erica Askin came onto City property where Local 483 members (City maintenance workers) work — without prior permission from managers.
“On August 29, 2013 at approximately 2:40 p.m., Ms. Askin came into the assembly room,” Kanwit wrote. “She was distributing buttons and flyers and yelling to the employees.”
And that’s not all.
“On or about August 20, 2013 at approximately 2:15 p.m.” Kanwit wrote, “Maintenance managers observed Ms. Askin meeting with at least one employee in the north conference room.”
“Richard, I would appreciate it if you helped to control Ms. Askin,” Kanwit continued. “Her behavior is interfering with employees’ work, disruptive to the work environment, and damaging our relationship with your Local.”
A union rep distributing buttons … talking to a member without management’s permission … such conduct has got to stop, and if it doesn’t, Kanwit informed Beetle, she would “seriously consider” filing a legal charge against the union.
Beetle wasn’t sure what to make of the letter, but he knew the idea that Askin had interfered with members’ work in the assembly room was complete and utter garbage. By and large, the members’ work isn’t done in the assembly room, or even in the maintenance building; it’s done in the field. Local 483 members repave City streets, clean and repair sewers, and install or repair sidewalks. Every workday morning they gather in the assembly room before their shift begins, and at the end of the day, they return to the room, known as the “bullpen,” to await the end of the shift.
Askin had come into the bullpen at shift end — and told members that City leaders want to gut their job security. She had to yell to be heard in the large room.
Local 483 is part of the seven-union coalition known as the District Council of Trade Unions (DCTU), and a clause in the DCTU contract says that the City can’t contract out members’ jobs unless managers first show that doing so saves taxpayers money, and the savings can’t come from slashing worker pay and benefits. The City is proposing to eliminate that requirement, thereby removing the only legal obstacle to wholesale privatization.
Beetle considered what to do about Kanwit’s letter. Must union reps go on bended knee to managers, saying, “pretty please, may I talk to my members?” Beetle didn’t think so.
Local 483 leaders photocopied Kanwit’s letter and distributed it to members. When Askin returned to the bullpen to give the next contract bargaining update, they welcomed her back with cheers.
“No way in hell are we going to let the HR people tell us our union rep can’t visit,” said street maintenance crew leader Bruce Easley.
The city is going for absolute power, and we all know absolute power corrupts. I find it hard to believe anyone in such a position as HR Director would be so brash to write such a letter. Petty and telling. (_: FBI
The HR Director., whomever it is, is the most powerful position in city government…over even the Mayor and council. And, they are already corrupt!
Rather than bargain a fair contract with workers the city demands concessions that could cost jobs, diminish services and cost rate payers more money. Rather than talk to Askin or 483 about when and how access to members might be done the head of city HR sends threatening letters with false statements. A pattern is emerging here of an employer that prefers command and control over co operation, reason and good management. As a citizen of Portland who pays taxes and some of the highest water and sewer rates in the nation I am outraged that my money is being used for to pay for such destructive policies and behavior. Good jobs and increased services are critical components in the plan to fix the failing economy. The Portland Plan says so, PHD economists say so and yet city of Portland managers-supported by HR and city council-prefer union busting and a race to the bottom strategy devoid of reason and rife with threats and bullying. How long do the people of Portland, and the workers who make their community livable have to endure such institutional folly?
For those who are interested you can see the unfair labor practice complaint filed by the City of Portland against Erica’s union for suborning her nefarious activities, you can access it on the website of the state Employment Relations Board. They publish all ULP complaints that are filed, lists of Oregon arbitrators with their resumes, and lots of other need stuff.
Crossing Portland off my bucket list to visit, sounds like a corrupt HR dept leading the city…
Give em hell Erica. I lived under and enforced that DCTU contract for many years, and talking with members in the break room is not “interfering with the work.” Kanwit knows better. Hang in there 483, this contract is going to get settled. The members will prevail. McEchron.