Amalgamated Transit Union’s annual picnic at Blue Lake Regional Park was quite an event. As many as 7,000 people — ATU Local 757 members and their families — would attend the picnic, which was held in July or August each year. There were games for the kids, bingo for the grown-ups, and barbecue for all.
The $50,000 event came courtesy of TriMet’s collective bargaining agreement with the union, in which the transit agency contributed to a recreation fund overseen by the union — TriMet’s own funds, plus proceeds from employee break room vending machines. It was one of a handful of perks in a contract that since the 1980s contained no across-the-board raises except cost-of-living allowances intended to keep pace with inflation (though it did also maintain generous health and pension benefits.)
But that bargained good-will gesture ended last year. Vending machine proceeds were diverted to a charity, and an arbitrator imposed TriMet’s final contract offer, which included an end to its Rec Fund contribution. The 2012 picnic consumed the Fund’s remaining balance.
So there will be no picnic at Blue Lake this year for union transit operators and mechanics.
Instead, Local 757 President Bruce Hansen said the union is trying to secure a spot at Northwest Oregon Labor Council’s bursting-at-the-seams annual Labor Day picnic at Oaks Amusement Park. That location is also where ATU’s retired members have their annual picnic, which will take place Wednesday, July 10, at 11 a.m.
Hansen said Local 757 is challenging the arbitrator’s decision, and hopes in the end to get the Rec Fund contribution reinstated.
Hopefully, the TriMet audit will start fixing this and so many other problems with TriMet’s use of funds.
Interesting those vindictive SOB’s gave themselves $1 million in raises but can’t come with $50,000 for the union employees.
What scum those Trimet execs are.