Workers Rights

Oregon Democratic Congressman Kurt Schrader turning hostile to union rights

The Oregon Democrat backs bills to diminish workers’ right to unionize or tack collective action.

NLRB says Instafab broke the law when it fired strikers

Instafab also threatened to fire other employees for talking with strikers.

Portland airport retailer fires union activists

World Duty Free declined to voluntarily recognize UNITE HERE

A union for massage therapists?

AFL-CIO’s Working America is helping LMTs campaign to raise their industry’s standards.

Ironworker strike now in Month 8

Strikers are hoping for vindication from the National Labor Relations Board.

Victory for SeaTac airport workers

State high court throws out lawsuit against Seatac's $15 minimum wage

NLRB: No more hiding behind temp agencies to avoid unions

Companies have increasingly hired outside staffing agencies in recent decades.

Portland airport contractor ABM fires union activist

ABM is refusing to recognize IAM, and the firing could be part of a deliberate legal strategy

Airport contractor refuses to bargain with Machinists

ABM would rather pay lawyers to delay the inevitable.

New coalition will push to raise Oregon minimum wage to $13.50

Union-backed Raise the Wage Oregon also would restore cities right to go higher

Instafab strike article sparks Internet flame war

One commenter was especially prolific. It turns out he has a big stake in the discussion.

You take one of us on, you take all of us on

Portland Jobs With Justice carried out a three-hour-long protest June 17, including a rally outside City Hall calling for a $15 minimum wage, a...

Unfair labor practice charges piling up against Instafab

Striking workers accuse Instafab of firing, threatening, and interrogating union supporters

Ban the Box nearly ready for council vote

Ordinance would give the formerly incarcerated a better chance at finding work after release.

Grand Central Baking union effort falls flat

To date, the company has not hired any of the laid-off workers to new positions.

Minimum wage campaign fills Oregon Capitol hearing rooms

Backers and opponents traded volley after volley at a hearing on raising Oregon’s minimum wage.

Port of Portland passes new ‘social equity’ policy

New airline service contractors will have to hire 80% of their workers from the previous contractor

Clark County residents blast proposed right-to-work resolution

Clark County Councilor Dave Madore plans to push local measure targeting public employees

Airlines threaten to sue over modest labor reforms at PDX

Port of Portland proposal would require $13 total hourly compensation in future airport service contracts

Right to work initiatives filed in Oregon

Anti-union forces are campaigning across the United States to pass state and local “right-to-work” laws