Union democracy

IBEW Local 48 Clif Davis resigns to take job with international

VP Gary Young, appointed business manager, will run for re-election

Fracture and reunion as nurses unions shift alignments

Nurse associations have merged, split, and morphed as nurses turn toward collective bargaining.

Don’t rely on politicians, Avakian tells union retirees

Labor Commissioner Brad Avakian was the keynote at Oregon Alliance for Retired Americans convention

Oregon Nurses Association joins American Federation of Teachers

ONA says the move will enhance nurses' voice in an era of hospital consolidation and cost-cutting

Avakian, Starr spar at Oregon building trades gathering

Energy infrastructure was a flashpoint at the annual building trades convention.

Roseburg techie will lead OSEA

Past president Bonnie Luisi retired and did not seek a second two-year term.

Lennie Ellis succeeds Ron Jones at IBEW 659

Jones retires after 14 years as head of the 2,060-member local.

Sheet Metal Workers elect John Candioto

Candioto, appointed in December to succeed Len Phillips, won election by a wide margin

Transit union members elect new leadership

Bruce Hansen takes office amid a protracted dispute with TriMet, Local 757’s largest employer.

Tim Frew reelected at IBEW 280

Local still suffering nearly 30 percent unemployment

Strike ends at Cascade Steel. Bargaining continues.

Meanwhile, mid-strike, members vote in new union leadership.

Marion-Polk-Yamhill labor council elects new officers

Former president Joe Munger and vice president Kathy Bonogofski switch places.

Shropshire elected business manager of UA Local 290

Shropshire outpolled Lou Christensen, assistant to the business manager, 897 to 655.

Jodi Guetzloe Parker elected to lead local building trades

The LiUNA 320 member will be among a handful of women nationally to lead a building trades council.

Terry Lansing re-elected to top post at Bakers Local 114

Lansing ran unopposed for a third three-year term.

Tackett, Petroff re-elected to Northwest Oregon Labor Council

Officers will be sworn in at the Jan. 23 delegates meeting.

Len Phillips, Sheet Metal 16 business manager, retires

Local 16 business agent John Candioto was appointed to complete Phillips' term.

Longview’s IBEW Local 970 merges into IBEW 48

The merger brings IBEW Local 48 to around 3,800 members.

Davis to chair IBEW’s District 9 pension fund

IBEW Local 48 business manager Clif Davis will chair a pension fund with assets of over $600 million.

Clay, Anderson re-elected at UFCW 555

Oregon's largest private-sector union holds a leadership vote.