
Western States OPEIU Pension

Federal pension rescue is expected to help 2 million union members

The Biden administration rescued pension funds headed toward insolvency, preventing two million union members from losing benefits.

U.S. government launches pension rescue 

In the Portland area, Plasterers Local 82 and OPEIU Local 11 could undo pension benefit cuts almost immediately.

Despite lopsided ‘no’ vote, Western States OPEIU cuts retiree benefits to halt slide to insolvency

As of Oct. 1, pension benefits were cut as much as 30 percent for retired members of Office and Professional Employees International Union in the Western United States.

OPEIU members are voting on whether to cut their own pension – to halt insolvency

Without a cut of up to 30 percent of benefits, the pension fund is headed for collapse in 18 years.

Western States OPEIU Pension moves to cut benefits

Without a 30% pension cut, the fund will be insolvent in 18 years.

OPEIU pension seeks to cut retiree benefits

The proposed benefit cuts of 29 percent are supposed to save a pension plan that would otherwise run out of money in 2035.

OPEIU Local 11 ‘joint accord’ at Northwest Natural guarantees no layoffs for 5.5 years

Over 600 union members will get immediate raises of at least 7.8 percent