
United Food and Commercial Workers

Heroes no longer? Fred Meyer ends hero pay

Grocery sales are booming, and prices saw the largest one-month jump in 46 years, and yet Fred Meyer is ending the $2 bonus pay it began March.

Hard feelings linger after Fast Track vote

Labor is in no mood to pal around with Democrats who voted for it.

As Obamacare insurance exchanges near launch, labor braces for impact

Labor-affiliated health trusts are locked out of Obamacare’s benefits, and forced to pay its costs

Unions ask Congress to let distressed pensions trim retiree benefits

10 million workers are covered by multiemployer pensions, but at least half are in serious trouble

Fracture and reunion as nurses unions shift alignments

Nurse associations have merged, split, and morphed as nurses turn toward collective bargaining.

Walmart ‘Black Friday’ protests coast-to-coast

The world’s largest retailer saw protests of its low wages and benefits.

More unions take action in Portland mayor’s race

Eileen Brady has five labor endorsements, Charlie Hales has one, and Jefferson Smith has two.