

Fewer strikes in 2024

Major work stoppages were down in 2024, according the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, but still more than any year between 2001 and 2018.


Only two in a thousand U.S. workers took part in a strike last year. We asked readers who’ve experienced a strike to tell their stories.  

The Strike Returns

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and Bloomberg agree: 2023 was the biggest strike year in decades.  

Strike Stories

2023 was the biggest strike year in decades. We asked readers who struck last year to tell what it was like.

Big strikes creep up again in 2022

At least 23 major work stoppages broke out last year, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported Feb. 22—up from 16 the previous year.

Lessons from the picket line

Labor’s ultimate weapon is rarely used today. So we asked readers who’ve been on strike: What’s it like? Three of them shared their stories.

What’s it like to strike?

Strikes, once common, are rare today. We asked Northwest Labor Press readers to share their strike stories.

The 16 biggest strikes of 2021

Bureau of Labor Statistics reports annually on large work stoppages. Here are the 16 major actions happened in 2021, and how they turned out.

U.S. strikes rare but increasing in 2021

The year 2021 had twice as many large work stoppages as 2020, but still far fewer than in the teachers-union-led strike surge of 2018-2019.


What caused labor's decline, and is key to its revival? No answer has been more persuasive than the one I got from a guy named Joe in 2011.

A massive strikewave? 

#Striketober? Over 100,000 workers are on the verge of striking, and the mood is very resolute. They’re not kidding around.

Strikes disappear again in 2020

It looks like the 2018-2019 strike surge was a blip, not the start of a new trend. Last year there were just 8 strikes of over 1,000 workers.

Nationwide strike wave continued in 2019

The strike wave that began in 2018 continued in 2019, according to the annual work stoppages report by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Are we bringing the strike back?

Back from rock bottom, strikes exploded in number last year.

STRIKE! Could the red-state teacher walkouts herald a return of labor’s long-forgotten tactic?

In an era when the strike seems all but dead, it feels like the beginning of a strike wave.

The Strike: U.S. labor’s long-lost weapon

Major work stoppages have declined over 95 percent since the 1940s.


2014 had the second fewest strikes since the federal government began keeping records in 1947

Strikes were up in 2011, but still extremely rare

The Verizon and NFL strikes were the year's biggest.

Labor still reeling from 1981 PATCO strike

The strike had a broad impact on labor, says Georgetown University history professor Joseph McCartin.