

Letter carriers reject contract

The sticking point was that USPS sought to keep some workers from receiving wage increases and protections.

How to tell summer is here: It’s union picnic season

This year in the Portland area, union picnic season gets under way next weekend, continues throughout the summer, culminates Labor Day with the area’s biggest union picnic (the Northwest Oregon Labor Council picnic at Oaks Park), and wraps up the weekend after that for several unions.

NALC food drive collects 70.6 million pounds nationwide

The National Association of Letter Carriers’ annual “Stamp Out Hunger” food drive — the biggest single food drive in the U.S. — collected 70.6 million pounds of food nationwide on May 14, just short of the all-time yearly record set in 2010.

Kevin Card to lead NALC state association

The state association coordinates politics and education for about 3,300 urban letter carriers in locals around the state.