
Laborers Local 483

After DCTU says no to privatization, City of Portland declares impasse

City's declaration that bargaining is done sets timeline for strike as soon as Feb. 12

City of Portland to union rep: Get off the property

A union rep distributes buttons and talks to members, without management's permission

Strike on horizon at City of Portland

City denies vacation requests, and union gets "ready to walk"

City of Portland pushes to end protections against outsourcing

Talks with a 1,600-employee union coalition are stalled over job security — and good government

Labor wary about public water district

Initiative would take control of water and sewer away from the City of Portland

Wanted: Union-made elephant ears

Zoo food workers want union rights and permanent work

DCTU contract expires, but no deal with City of Portland

The seven-member union coalition has requested the help of a state mediator.

City Attorney seeks to keep Portland’s $11-an-hour park rangers from joining union

All 15 rangers have signed union cards, but City says they don't belong

City park rangers tell Mayor Hales they want a union

City of Portland park rangers make $11 an hour, with no benefits and layoffs after nine months.

City of Portland settles with Local 483: No more contracting out at Parks & Rec

Laborers 483 has a win in a decade-long struggle over contracting out at Portland Parks and Rec.

Unions wary as Portland bargaining begins amid plans for cuts

Job security will be a top concern in bargaining between the City of Portland and a union coalition

Laborers 483 backs Jefferson Smith for mayor

The local represents City workers who maintain streets, parks, and water treatment.

Homeless camp gets union sponsors

But city fines are mounting for Right 2 Dream Too

To halt layoffs and rescue schools, Mayor Adams dips into little-known internal funds

City workers sigh relief, but wonder: Why a budget rollercoaster when money there all along?

Laborers to Portland City Council: Stop the Cuts

Looking to avert cuts in roads and parks, union finds $120 million in an obscure City fund.

Workers slam planned cuts to Portland roads and parks

Laborers Local 483 members turn out for a protest near Legacy hospital.

Laborers get an audience with City authorities

Laborers Local 483 went before Portland City Council Nov. 16 … and got about the usual response.

Movement swells to dump big banks

Parallel to Occupy Wall Street, a mass movement is gaining steam to close accounts in the big banks.

We are the 99 percent: Unions get behind the Occupy movement

Unions line up in support of Occupy Wall Street as the movement explodes.

Occupy Portland: 10,000 march to protest Wall Street misrule

Local unionists marched, brought food, and stood in support of Occupy Portland.