
Carpenters Local 1503


Interviews with 12 local construction tradeswomen reveals, no surprise: They want the same chance to succeed.

Carpenters international union dissolves eight Northwest locals

United Brotherhood of Carpenters transferred more than 19,000 members into five newly chartered locals. No explanation was given.

Carpenters organize at Portland wood framing contractor Wood Mechanix

The union has had discussions with workers at Wood Mechanix for years, and soon they'll vote in a union election.

Raising the roof

Union members are getting experience with mass timber at Portland International Airport's new terminal roof.

Construction industry confronts suicide in the ranks

Construction workers commit suicide at three times the national average. More die by suicide than job site injuries or accidents.

Carpenters Local 156, formed in a 2011 merger, splits into two

Local 156 is replaced with newly formed Locals 1503 and 271.