Northwest Labor Press is an independent union-supported newspaper founded in 1900. Our print version is mailed twice a month to about 45,000 members of over three dozen local unions in Oregon and Southwest Washington. Our online version has been maintained here since 1997.
Brad Witt
Oregon’s 2018 Legislative Session: Small gains, big misses
This year, like almost every year, the most important bills that might have benefited working people died in the majority-Democratic Oregon Senate.
Union democracy
Oregon AFL-CIO 52nd Convention
At a time when labor is under attack, delegates put aside differences to declare “We are one”
Top Dems debate, seeking Oregon AFL-CIO backing
Delegates debate but make no endorsement in Oregon's 1st Congressional District.
Avakian, Witt woo building trades unions
Building Trades unions meet on the Oregon coast to consider endorsements and set policy.
UFCW’s Witt explores possible congressional race against Wu
Union member (and state rep) Brad Witt is considering a primary challenge to Congressman David Wu.