Northwest Labor Press is an independent union-supported newspaper founded in 1900. Our print version is mailed twice a month to about 45,000 members of over three dozen local unions in Oregon and Southwest Washington. Our online version has been maintained here since 1997.
ATU Local 757
ATU voices race concerns at TriMet
A report commissioned by the union finds minority employees more likely to be disciplined.
Building our communities
Clerics talk ‘labor’ with ATU Local 757
Faith traditions have something to say about labor.
Collective bargaining
Transit Union dispute with TriMet may not settle until spring 2012
A union contract at TriMet which covers 2,000 bus and rail operators, mechanics, and support staff expired Nov. 30, 2009.
Labor History
Union spy finds kidnap ring in second mystery novel
Union attorney Susan Stoner has published the second in her series of historical mystery novels.
Conciliator has TriMet and ATU talking after threat of strike
Amid threats of a wildcat transit strike, a state conciliator on Jan. 28 made headway.
Collective bargaining
ATU dispute with TriMet persists; conciliator called in
Before leaving office, Gov. Kulongoski asked a state conciliator to help resolve the dispute.
Labor History
PSU students help preserve Transit Union Local 757’s history
Several Portland State University students conducted oral history interviews with Amalgamated Transit Union Local 757 retirees Paul Headley and Ken Richins.
Workers Rights
Bend Area Transit terminates union leader
The top union officer at Bend Area Transit has been fired for what he says are pretextual causes, after months of stepped-up scrutiny from management.
Collective bargaining
Transit Union pickets TriMet board meeting
Members of ATU Local 757 held an informational picket at a Nov. 10 TriMet board of directors meeting. ATU is trying to raise public awareness of a contract dispute it has with the transit agency.
Collective bargaining
Transit Union 757 pushes back
TriMet board members got some heat Oct. 28 over the transit agency’s decision to impose terms on union members while it waits for an arbitrator to pick between union and management final contract offers.
Union democracy
ATU convention picks Hanley over Oregonian Ron Heintzman
At a Sept. 27-30 convention in Orlando, delegates chose Larry Hanley over Ron Heintzman as international president of Amalgamated Transit Union. Heintzman, former president of Portland-based ATU Local 757, had been international president since July 1, and was backed by former president Warren George as a successor.
Collective bargaining
ATU balks at Tri-Met plan to impose contract
While ATU Local 757 officers were away attending the convention of their international union, TriMet General Manager Neil McFarlane announced a wage freeze and a requirement that employees contribute to health insurance premiums — without the agreement of the union.
Worker safety
Bus drivers’ union steers industry toward healthier workplace
Driving a bus might not be top of the list when most people think of hazardous occupations. Bus drivers aren’t rushing into burning buildings...