Northwest Labor Press is an independent union-supported newspaper founded in 1900. Our print version is mailed twice a month to about 45,000 members of over three dozen local unions in Oregon and Southwest Washington. Our online version has been maintained here since 1997.
AFSCME Local 350
Union democracy
New president at Oregon AFSCME
The Oregon AFSCME Executive Board has named one of its members, Fred Yungbluth, Jr. as president until the union’s April 2023 convention.
Labor joins effort to recall Clackamas County commissioner Mark Shull
Unions are backing Shull's recall for disparaging remarks about Muslims and immigrants, likening vaccine mandates to the Holocaust and more.
Building our communities
Union members pass the hat, collect $450 for slain worker
AFSCME member Grady Waxenfelter was shot by a truck driver while doing his job as a weighmaster
Portland-area labor endorsements for May 21 election
Portland fluoridation fails to get 2/3 at NOLC, but labor endorses Metro levy, school board races
Voters recall water district commissioner in union-backed campaign
Residents of the Clackamas River Water District voted to recall Commissioner Patricia Holloway.
AFSCME, labor council back water district recall
Clackamas River Water District has become so dysfunctional,workers say board must go.