

Liz Shuler elected AFL-CIO president

She succeeds Rich Trumka, who died Aug. 5. Shuler, AFL-CIO secretary treasurer since 2009, is the first woman to hold the office of president.

Richard Trumka, head of the AFL-CIO, dies at 72

Trumka was the fifth person to serve as president since the AFL-CIO was formed in 1955, and was the first AFL-CIO president to die in office.

As the nation reeled, CEO pay rose 

CEO pay increased an incredible $712,720 last year on average among S&P 500 companies, according to the latest annual report by the AFL-CIO.

Trump’s new NAFTA labor rules to be tested

Better than NAFTA, but how real are the labor rights provisions that were added to Trump's trade treaty with Mexico and Canada? A new filing by the national AFL-CIO aims to find out.

Biden’s new trade enforcers

The Biden Administration continues to name union figures to top government positions. The latest two appointments will oversee trade policy.

Death on the Job: The toll of neglect

For 30 years the national AFL-CIO has been reporting on workplace safety and fatalities on the job. Progress has stalled.

Biden calls union leaders to the White House

Continuing a string of overtures to the labor movement, Biden announced a pro-union NLRB nominee and reversed Trump moves on apprenticeship.

John Sweeney, 1934-2021

Former national AFL-CIO president John Sweeney, who led an era of transformative change in America’s labor movement, died Feb. 1 at age 86.

Joe Biden’s promises to labor

Joe Biden is putting forward the most pro-labor campaign planks of any Democratic presidential nominee in generations.

Police unions come in for questioning

Police unions have almost always been an awkward fit in the House of Labor.

AFL-CIO’s OSHA suit dismissed

COVID-19 has killed more workers in a shorter time than any other health emergency in OSHA's 50-year existence, but the agency has refused to require employers to take any specific action to protect workers.

Labor confronts police brutality

Union members are taking part in protests, joining morning-after cleanup parties, and even walking off the job in support of Black Lives Matter.

Unions react as the nation explodes in protest over George Floyd killing

"in the end, the labor movement is not a building," said the president of the AFL-CIO after protesters trashed AFL-CIO headquarters lobby in D.C.


COVID-19 has caused more deaths among workers in a shorter time than any other health emergency in OSHA's 50-year existence, yet the agency hasn’t required employers to take any action to protect people on the job.

U.S. House passes labor law reform

The PRO Act would restore the power of workers to unionize, bargain collectively, and strike.

AFL-CIO endorses Trump’s revised re-write of NAFTA trade treaty

For the first time in a generation, NAFTA is getting a re-write, and even America’s premier trade union federation has endorsed the final draft.

Trump names Eugene Scalia as his pick for new Labor Secretary

AFL-CIO blasts the choice — a former WalMart lawyer and son of union nemesis Antonin Scalia.

America’s top union leader pops into Portland

National AFL-CIO president Rich Trumka was in Portland for an Organizing Summit — a training for unionists on organizing tactics, messaging around common sense economics, and how to build worker power in the wake of the Supreme Court’s anti-union Janus decision.

Oregon native named to top job at AFL-CIO’s Department For Professional Employees

Jennifer Dorning is the first woman to hold the post at the coalition of 24 national unions in professional, technical, and other highly skilled occupations.

Trump denounces America’s top labor leader … on Labor Day

The tweet was in reaction to an appearance on Fox News Sunday by AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka.