Northwest Labor Press is an independent union-supported newspaper founded in 1900. Our print version is mailed twice a month to about 45,000 members of over three dozen local unions in Oregon and Southwest Washington. Our online version has been maintained here since 1997.
Breakthrough on community benefits agreement for Broadway Corridor
The 12-block public-private project on the former post office site will use union labor.
Furloughed workers tighten belts waiting for WorkShare benefits
It seemed like a win-win when unions approved the furloughs, but Workshare benefits promised by the Oregon Employment Department have been slow to arrive.
Union-community coalition asks City Council to break impasse over labor standards for Broadway Corridor
Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler and City Commissioner Jo Ann Hardesty will meet July 20 with the developer and the coalition to see if the impasse can be broken.
Union sours on Scottie’s Pizza
COVID forced the union pizzeria to close. Now laid-off union workers fault owner Scottie Rivera for reopening with a skeleton crew.
National day of action to save USPS
Portland supporters rally and march over the Hawthorne Bridge.
Rat visits PGE
Portland General Electric’s new lineman training facility is being constructed at least in part by nonunion labor.
Roadblock in the Broadway Corridor?
A deal on a community benefits agreement is held up over equity for construction workers.
Unions: Vote by mail now more than ever
The push for national vote-by-mail is timelier than ever in the midst of a pandemic, but postal union leaders say it won’t matter much if the U.S. Postal Service isn’t around.
How to get unemployment benefits while you’re still employed
Up to 10,000 Portland-area workers are getting paid more while working less thanks to a layoff prevention program.
Mask-wearing supporters call on Congress to rescue USPS
The COVID-19 crisis has caused a 30% drop in mail volume. The Postmaster General says USPS will run out of money by September.
Mondelēz pays $33,493 to settle grievance over outsourcing Machinists work
The settlement ends a two-year battle over subcontracting work on a Portland bakery production line that makes Ritz crackers.
Back to work at Daimler
Daimler Trucks North America reopened its Swan Island Western Star truck plant April 20 with lots of measures in place to prevent COVID-19 virus.
No low-road employers in PERS new ‘responsible contractor’ policy
Only contractors that provide fair wages and benefits can bid on construction and janitorial work when the pension owns majority.
IATSE 488 faces near total job loss
Several hundred Oregon members of IATSE Local 488 were already facing a scarcity of work. COVID-19 made matters worse, shutting down projects statewide by mid-March.
FERC approves Jordan Cove project
The proposed $10 billion liquid natural gas terminal and pipeline project would be built union, but it still faces state hurdles.
COVID-19 prevention leads Daimler to close Portland truck plant
The closure impacts roughly 700 members of four unions, and comes amid concerns that workers can't all maintain six feet distance.
Swan Lake Energy Storage signs project labor agreement
The $800 million project near Klamath Falls would enable storage of solar and wind energy and would be union-built.
Jordan Cove liquid natural gas project withdraws application for permit to dredge in Coos Bay
The Oregon Department of State Lands denied the company’s request for an extension and indicated the permit would likely be denied. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission is expected to make a final determination on the project next month.
Congressman Blumenauer hears of late and missing mail as a result of postal speedup
A U.S. Postal Service pilot project called “Consolidated Casing” was supposed to speed up mail carriers and decrease the number of routes.
TriMet awards transit project to union-signatory minority contractor
Raimore Construction will be the general contractor on the $60 million construction portion of the Division Transit Project, which will be the largest construction contract awarded to a minority contractor in Oregon history.