
Scrapping plans to develop West Hayden Island shows Portland’s lack of leadership

A good job is the real key to livability.

2013 delivered much to be angry about, but the future is on our side

We can create the America we deserve.

This is no time for safety net cuts

For the working poor, the recovery never came

“Grand bargain” in Congress?

The shutdown was a case of failed political brinksmanship.

A game-changing AFL-CIO convention

We want to transform our union movement into a workers’ movement.

The union movement’s survival requires it to change

The history of the labor movement is full of the corpses of failed organizations.

No room for ‘grand bargains’ on food stamps: Hunger isn’t a bargaining chip

Before Congress votes again, they need to walk the streets and understand the impact of hunger

Without filibuster reform, worker rights will wither

Employers are increasingly lawless as the NLRB sits vacant

AFL-CIO will look at changes to labor councils

With a structure set in 1955, many state and local labor councils face problems

‘Wages, hours and working conditions’ not enough: Unions must speak for all workers

Immigration, same sex marriage … today's unions have moved beyond a 1980s agenda.

Falling union numbers, expanding right-to-work … it’s time to change a losing game

To change our game we must realize that the union structure isolates us into sector silos.

Lesson from a rookie fire fighter: Help is you and I

Massive mobilization of people beats wealth and power.

Lame duck season

If Michigan can become a right-to-work state, every state is in jeopardy.

The fight for Oregon is in down-ballot races

This year's Oregon races won't attract national attention, which makes our fights harder.

Restore an economy that works for the middle class

A message to labor from U.S. Senator Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.)

This Labor Day, remember: Work connects us all

People who work for a living are all on the same side.

Bring Jobs Home

We can’t afford tax incentives that undermine efforts to rebuild America’s economy.

Lessons from the Wisconsin recall election

What Wisconsin foreshadows in November is a battle of epic proportion.

Change agenda doesn’t happen overnight

Many Oregonians believe their vote doesn’t matter. But we need an attitude of no surrender.

Elections make a difference

Support candidates who fight for fairness, equality, and opportunity.