
Pope’s message not shared by right-wing

Pope Francis’s message of hope and justice stands in contrast to rhetoric of hate and greed.

GOP debate — business as usual

What a contrast: Bernie, and a pack of tone-deaf GOP candidates

Legislature ends with mixed reviews

Victories for low-wage workers, but no minimum wage raise — Oregon’s Senate was an obstacle

Free trade — a litmus test for labor

Labor’s endorsements and political contributions aren’t a right. They’re an honor.

Congress, listen up: Most of your constituents oppose fast track

It's time to call a halt after two decades of jobs being America’s largest export.

Oregon labor bucks national trend

Oregon is different because our unions work together, fight together, and lead together.

Trade deals that work for workers

For decades, the benefits of trade deals haven’t trickled down to working families.

Why I’m no longer an Oregonian subscriber

Attacks on workers in the Oregonian have made it quite clear whose side they are on.

Get ready for two years of GOP attacks on labor in Congress

We must take every opportunity to hold elected leaders accountable, regardless of political party.

On election night, what separated Oregon from the rest of the country?

Oregon has moved left since the ‘90s, partly because progressives have learned to fight together

Good jobs don’t just appear. It’s time to stop blaming the unemployed

Speaker John Boehner showed how out of touch he is with comments on unemployment

The 2014 election is about giving Oregonians a fair shot

A fair shot: higher minimum wage, equal pay for equal work, paid sick leave, and a chance to retire

Give ex-offenders a Fair Chance to find a job and a home

Labor is joining community groups to push a Fair Chance policy at the City of Portland

Supreme Court decision is the latest to shift toward corporate power

Harris v Quinn won’t stop union movement from evolving to meet the needs of 21st Century workers

Building power beyond the traditional boundaries of unionism

State and local labor federations are undergoing top-to-bottom review

Supreme Court case could up-end public sector unionism

Harris v Quinn could undo a decade of gains for some of America's lowest wage workers

No profit is worth the cost of our lives

We must recommit to making our workplaces safer

Proposed Water District ballot measure: Unions say ‘No’

The measure has so many flaws that it's hard to list them all.

Dodging a Norquist attack on unions

Union foes wanted right-to-work in Oregon. They'll be back.

Wanted: Elected leaders willing to serve working people over corporate interests

We need more strong candidates to apply.