
Labor Day: It’s about solidarity

When unions stand together to move an agenda, great things happen for workers.

Some wins, some major disappointments in Legislature

Oregon deserves better.

Protecting Oregon’s rural workers

Oregon's Legislature just passed a law that will prevent cities and counties from trying to pass anti-union "right-to-work" legislation.

Investing in transportation will benefit working people

To tackle potholes and congestion, Oregon Legislature needs to hear from union members about a proposed $8.2 billion transportation package.

GOP Congressman Greg Walden moves further to the right

Twenty years ago, when Greg Walden was in the Oregon Legislature, he was viewed as a moderate Republican.

It’s time for rent stabilization. Support House Bill 2004

Oregon’s low inventory of housing has given landlords an unbridled opportunity to reap large profits at the expense of working people.

What we see today in the streets is an insurgency of epic proportions

If this grassroots movement can be maintained and grow, the 2018 election will bring change.

GOP ramping up to dismantle the labor movement

Every one of us has an obligation to fight as hard as we can, to get off the couch and activate and agitate.

To our union volunteers: Thank You!

Volunteers from more than 30 Oregon unions knocked on 100,000 doors, made 260,000 phone calls, and handed out 2,800 worksite fliers.

Dennis Richardson is too extreme for Oregon

Richardson has been an outspoken opponent of a working people’s agenda.

Ballot Measure 97: It’s time

By Oregon AFL-CIO President Tom Chamberlain Last Friday afternoon my commute to Salem from the Oregon AFL-CIO office in Portland was an hour and forty-five...

All politics is local

Local action spurring statewide and eventually national change is what the labor movement is all about.

Portland: Where rent empties workers’ pockets

Evictions and rampant rent increases are left unchecked in a state that forbids rent control.

Muhammad Ali: A champion of the people

Ali was an anti-establishment hero who could not be bought and could not be bullied.

Trump says he wants to make America great again — but for who?

Blue collar support for Trump? Labor isn’t fooled. He mistreats workers, and sends jobs overseas.

Ireland’s corporate agenda

To see the result of a corporate agenda run amok, just look to Ireland.

America is angry, and for good reason

Corporations and Wall Street have been riding high for over half a century.

The minimum will rise

2015 was a year of victories and defeats for Oregon’s working people.

Our workers’ movement must evolve

Oregon Strong Voice is one example of labor evolving to fit the times.

Why I’m skeptical of the new TPP deal

President Obama: Put your cards on the table and let the people see what you’ve gotten us into.